- Nieve i won't follow you 歌詞
- SoulChef Nieve
- [Intro]
(耶~) (Yeah yeah) 我不會隨波逐流 I won't go, no I won't follow you 走自己的風格 I do what I want to do 他們不懂也不需要明白 They don't know but they don't got to 帶你去兜一圈你就會知道我車技有多猛 Well let me take you for a ride I've been known to drive 嗑點什麼會讓我更爽不過我不建議你 A little better when I'm high though its not advised 起飛之前 Before I sign on the dotted line 讓我告訴你我吐出這些韻腳時都在想些什麼 Let me tell you what is on my mind when I spit these rhymes 來個老飛行員專屬Beat Give me a fly old beat 哇這久違的該死的甜美風格 Its been a while since I ever heard a style so sweet 我可不想誰來破壞這美好氣氛 Bringing down my vibe is something I don't need 說真的我們之間的等級差的不是一星半點 And really you ain't on my level if your eyes don' t bleed 因為我們的格局就不在同一水準 Cuz I ain't trying to see what they want to see 你們的貨毫無質量可言 There's no quality in anything they offering 所以恕我無法苟同 So hell no I ain't following 祝你們能宰到更多不識貨的小羊羔吧 Good luck on trying to lead them other sheep to their slaughtering 先讓你們跑50米 There's still time they can run away 再給你來點真正的狠貨讓你好好品一品 I give them something real dope they can contemplate 跑快點你時間可不多了 Well hurry up ain't no time to waste 你在想怎麼追上我的時候我已經飛到外太空咯 The more they try to hold us down the more we outer space 別想讓我認可你 I won't go, no I won't follow you 圈子不同 I do what I want to do 他們永遠不會明白 They don't know but they don't got to know (to know) (yeah) 我也不會假裝融入 I won't go, no I won' t follow you 做真實的自己 I do what I want to do 沒人理解我也不在乎 They don't know but they don't got to know (to know) 我聽到雨滴像心跳一樣落下 I hear the raindrops fall like a heartbeat 我是城市之星儘管早已被人忘記 I'm a star in my city even though they forgot me but 不過這又有什麼關係呢 I don 't mind go continue without me 我寧願做個孤獨的強者也不願被弱者懷疑 I would rather be alone then to be with others who doubt me, cuz 因為生命短暫,時間寶貴 Life's too short for those kind of things 甚至比金子和鑽石還要珍貴 More then all the gold and the diamond rings 生而為人,來到這個世界 Is being in this world as a human being 當我以說唱的形式吐出我的夢想時,你真的讀懂我想表達的意思了嗎? Are you seeing what I'm really seeing when I spit this dream? 當我靈光閃過 Going on like a light bulb 思緒衝入我的腦海讓我遨遊其中 Thoughts enter my mind make my spirit delightful 我讓歌詞富有洞察力 Make my lyrics insightful 它就像是你的救生船 In case the people listening are needing a life boat 我的手藝,希望能讓你們回味無窮 My craft, hoping I can leave them something that might last 否認我的我會一笑而過 Tell me otherwise I think I just might laugh , my path 因為我堅信我的道路正確 Instead of trying to follow I'll think I'll go right past 我不會隨波逐流 I won't go, no I won 't follow you 走自己的風格 I do what I want to do 他們不懂也不需要明白 They don't know but they don't got to know (to know ) (yeah) 我也不會假裝融入 I won't go, no I won't follow you 做真實的自己 I do what I want to do 他們不懂也不需要明白 They don't know but they don't got to know (to know) ~ music