- Enchantment It's You That I Need 歌詞
- Enchantment
我們的感情發生了一些奇怪的變化 Something strange is happening 你似乎再也不屬於我 You don't belong to me anymore it seems 就連在夢中都是我孤身一人 I'm all alone in my dreams, yeah 我感到十分無力 I just feel so weak 沒有人可以體會到我獨自一個人時所經受的痛苦 No one knows the pain I see when I'm all alone 既然你離去了 Now that you're gone 我的世界就變得冰冷起來,你知道的,我的朋友寥寥無幾 My world is cold, my friends are few 沒有了你在我身邊,就連快樂都變得殘忍起來 Without you here, my joy seems cruel 當你離開我的時候,我的心也隨你而去了 When you left you took part of me 我現在能做什麼呢? What can I do? 你可知道,我想要的只有你啊,我的寶貝,寶貝 It's you that I need, baby, baby 從頭至尾只有你阿,我覺得好孤單啊 It's you that I need, lonely 我只想要你,我多麼希望你可以回來我的身邊 It's you that I need, come back 就好像我身體裡的什麼東西消失了一般,你離開了我 Something's gone in me 你可知道,你曾是我生命的全部,我的秘密花園,我的寶貝 You were my life , my mystery, baby 你怎麼忍心這樣對我呢? How could you do this to me? 把我一個人留在這回憶的牢籠裡 Left me holding on to a memory 我努力過了,我試著讓自己變好 I tried, I tried to be good 我很想帶你去一個只有我們兩個人的地方 Take you to a place, no others could 但是我突然就從夢裡掉了出來,醒來留給我的只是你不在了的冰冷現實 I suddenly woke and found you gone 現在我想把我對你的全部愛意放在這首歌裡唱給你聽 Now I sing my heart to you through the words of this song 噢~~厄運降臨在我的身上 Ooh, something happened to me 你曾是我生命的全部啊,是我這輩子的宿命啊 You were my life, my destiny 沒有了你,我的生命將永遠殘缺 My life will never, ever be complete 回來吧,好嗎? Come back to me 世界那麼大,我想要的卻只有你一個,我的寶貝 It's you that I need baby, baby 我真的只想要你,我現在好孤獨 It's you that I need, I'm lonely, yeah 快回來吧,拜託了,我想要的只有你啊 It's you that I need, come on, come back 這輩子我只想要你 It's you that Ineed 這輩子我只想愛你 It's you that I need 現在我想要的也只有你 It's you that I need, right now 是你,是你,就是你啊 It's you that I need, yeah, yeah, oh 我只想要你啊,我的寶貝 It's you that I need, baby 沒錯,全世界我只想你來愛我 It's you that I need 你就是我唯一想要的 It's you that I need 我愛你,只有你 It's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我現在所需要的只有你啊 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我想要的只有你 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我只想要你 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝~ Baby, baby 寶貝,寶貝,我現在所需要的只有你啊 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我想要的只有你 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我只想要你 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝~ Baby, baby 寶貝,寶貝,我現在所需要的只有你啊 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我想要的只有你 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我只想要你 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝~ Baby, baby 寶貝,寶貝,我現在所需要的只有你啊 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝,我想要的只有你 Baby, baby, it's you that I need 寶貝,我的寶貝~ Baby, baby