- NINEONE# 19 歌詞
- 編曲:TunnA
我不想成為我想的那種人 I don't wanna be what I think 有天或許我會在你的目光閃爍中漸漸消失 someday I will faded away when you blink 這是最後一次和我的愛人做我認為對的事 It's the last time to do my right thing with my right one 我停不下來 I can 't stop it 你的聲音像一把利劍 your voice is like a sword 把我視為死敵一般刺穿 weilding like I am enemy to you 我想你可能不知道 think you don't understand 說不定我也為你準備了很多小把戲 and I got way too many tricks to you 愛情是一道閃電 love is a flash of lightning 我可以獨自生活因為我並不孤單 I can be by myself cause I'm never lonely 但痛苦卻總是眷顧我 but the pain was very kind to me 愧疚卻總是不敢直面我 the guilt was very shy to me 我被恥辱感包圍又到一個黎明 shame rolls around and its another dawning 沒有人能帶我離開 nobody can take away who I am 在你說你打算說點什麼之前我就告別世界 die before you say you would say something 我做了九個白日夢和一個噩夢 I got nine daydreams and one nightmare 在你說你打算說點什麼之前我就告別世界 die before you say you would say something 我做了九個白日夢和一個噩夢 I got nine daydreams and one nightmare 告訴我該成為什麼樣 tell me what i should be 告訴我該怎麼做 tell me what to do 我是你手心裡殘敗的花蕾 I m a broken bud in the palm of your hand 這是最後一次和我的愛人做我認為對的事 It's the last time to do my right thing with my right one 我停不下來 I can't stop it 你的呼吸像是雲朵 your breath is like the cloud 我以為我可以無憂無趣的躺在上面 I thought I was lying on it carefree 你以為我不知道 think I dont understand 沒有人會在下面接住我 No one's gonna catch me down there 愛情是一道閃電 love is a flash of lightning 我可以獨自生活因為我並不孤單 I can be by myself cause I'm never lonely 但痛苦卻總是眷顧我 but the pain was very kind to me 愧疚卻總是不敢直面我 the guilt was very shy to me 我被恥辱感包圍又到一個黎明 shame rolls around and its another dawning 沒有人能帶我離開 nobody can take away who I am 在你說你打算說點什麼之前我就告別世界 die before you say you would say something 我做了九個白日夢和一個噩夢 I got nine daydreams and one nightmare 在你說你打算說點什麼之前我就告別世界 die before you say you would say something 我做了九個白日夢和一個噩夢 I got nine daydreams and one nightmare 混音/母帶:隆力奇 設計:Hyxin 發行:沈暢 統籌:李智 監製:李俊駒 出品人:李宏杰 出品公司:WR/OC Records(北京惟又雙文化傳播有限公司)