- Leellamarz Kick that 歌詞
- Leellamarz
- [tool: 歌詞滾動姬https://lrc-maker.github.io]
踢開那個貝斯耶我踢了 [length: 02:47.576] 踢開那個鼓耶我踢了 Kick that bass yea I kick that 踢開那個bitch 耶我踢了 Kick that snare yea I kick that bitch 沒有危險只有不停歇地往前走 Kick that * **** yea I kick that ok 不停歇地上升中 **** no risk only go straight no rest 到達的房間是yea groovy room Ok 쉬지않고올라가는중 這裡所有的東西好像都是彎的 도착한방은yea groovy room 但是你的父母腰不是彎的別做夢了 여긴모든것이휘어있는듯해 yea break it up以前對於你們 너희부모님허리휜듯하지꿈깨 就算想到了會有什麼樣的答案 Yea break it up 예전에는너희에게도 you do nothing 不算單曲專輯就出了6張 무슨답이있을거라나는생각했어도 在做什麼你們都在這漩渦中 You do nothing 싱글빼고앨범만여섯장 我是受過教育的孩子bitch 뭐 하냐고너네다이와중에 我是受過教育的孩子bitch 나는educated kid ***** 我碩士畢業 나는educated kid ***** 你退學了nothin 석사졸업했지 ok 一生都做夢吧 너는자퇴하고nothin 看到你的尾巴我笑嘻嘻 Ok 꿈을꿔라평생 別的就算了裝作很親近的你是哪位 니꼬라지보며나는웃어씩 我沒有朋友只有兄弟 딴거됐고친한척하는너는누구지 Wayside we gon get it 난친구없이형제만을두지 你是誰 Wayside we gon get it I just fuxx that bitch 너는뉘신지 就像寫的那樣活著 I just fuxx that ***** Yea I write it in 쓴대로살지 不會搶走位置 Yea I write it in 每週我都會出現 안뺏겨자리를 Leella是騙子 매주난나오거든 用你做不到的帥氣 Leella는허슬러 搶愚蠢的孩子們的錢一點都不帥氣 넌하지멋으로 做了也沒帶走什麼各自咬著挖著撕著 멍청한애들돈뺏는거하나멋도없지 I just 艱難地做出決定在地球上降落 하도가진게없으니각자물고뜯고씹지 MARZ gon 全部嚼碎賺錢反复ASAP I just 쉽지않은결정내리고착륙하네지구에 ASAP bitch GET THAT MONEY MARZ gon 전부씹어버리고벌어재껴ASAP 踢開那個貝斯耶我踢了 ASAP ***** GET THAT MONEY 踢開那個鼓耶我踢了 Kick that bass yea I kick that 踢開那個bitch 耶我踢了 Kick that snare yea I kick that bitch 沒有危險只有不停歇地往前走 Kick that ***** yea I kick that 踢開那個貝斯耶我踢了 **** no risk only go straight no rest 踢開那個鼓耶我踢了 Kick that bass yea I kick that 踢開那個bitch 耶我踢了 Kick that snare yea I kick that bitch 沒有危險只有不停歇地往前走 Kick that ***** yea I kick that 坐在椅子上yeah **** no risk only go straight no rest 難以承受的反轉 의자에앉아yeah 不太可能有所以我完全地 너무나감당하기힘든이런반전은 享受like oh bitch thank you 있을수없지그래서나는완전히 Ay dude this all mine you approach me then its fatal 누리지like oh **** thank you 世界巡演前弟弟們拜託了我 Ay dude this all mine you approach me then its fatal In the studio studio 월드투어가기전에동생들이부탁해서 音樂有點無聊向Hollywood進軍吧 In the studio studio Get them movie rolls movie rolls 음악은좀재미없어Hollywood 진출할까봐 You a hoe talking bout me Get them movie rolls movie rolls 追加光彩 You a hoe talking bout me ***** Diamonds on me drip 추가 하지빛 Diamonds on me drip Diamonds on me drip Kick that flow 小傳奇小山羊 Diamonds on me yeah 不喜歡在你的框架下正在擴大版圖 Kick that flow young legend young goat 第一次做對所有人都有益的 니틀속에있기싫어판을키우고있어 一起創造了這樣的文化離開了的瘋子們除外 최초로한거 많아모두한테득이되게 H1GHR MUSIC 문화를같이만들어나가병신들은제외 Ambition H1GHR MUSIC Leellamazs Groovy Room Ambition 沒有作秀引起關注 Leellamazs Groovy Room 保持高水準 쇼미없이관심끌어 踢開那個貝斯耶我踢了 계속높여수준을 踢開那個鼓耶我踢了 Kick that bass yea I kick that 踢開那個bitch 耶我踢了 Kick that snare yea I kick that bitch 沒有危險只有不停歇地往前走 Kick that ***** yea I kick that 踢開那個貝斯耶我踢了 **** no risk only go straight no rest 踢開那個鼓耶我踢了 Kick that bass yea I kick that 踢開那個bitch 耶我踢了 Kick that snare yea I kick that bitch 沒有危險只有不停歇地往前走 Kick that **** * yea I kick that **** no risk only go straight no rest