- Julie Andrews A Spoonful of Sugar 歌詞
- Julie Andrews
- In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun
每一個職責範圍內的工作,其中都蘊含樂趣 You find the fun and snap 你發現了樂趣這個小不點兒,想要將它捕捉 The job's a game 它就像是一個遊戲 And every task you undertake 你著手的事務 Becomes a piece of cake 看起來就好像一塊美味的蛋糕 A lark, a spree 顯而易見 It's very clear to see 這如百靈鳥歌唱般歡樂,就像是一場酣暢淋漓的狂歡 That a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 一茶匙的糖讓吞下難以下嚥的藥也變得輕而易舉 The medicine go down 吞下藥片 The medicine go down 藥片進入咽喉 Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 一茶匙的糖讓吞下難以下嚥的藥也變得輕而易舉 In a most delightful way 以愉悅為基調 A robin feathering his nest has very little time to rest 知更鳥將微末的纏繞著的枝編織成巢 While gathering his bits of twine and twig 休息的時間十分短暫,但這不妨礙他用美麗的羽毛裝飾他的溫床 Though quite intent in his pursuit, he has a merry tune to toot 雖然工作刻不容緩,他仍哼唱醉人的曲調 He knows a song 他知道 Will move the job along 歌曲會拉著工作的手向前走 For a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 一茶匙的糖讓吞下難以下嚥的藥也變得輕而易舉 The medicine go down 吞下藥片 The medicine go down 藥片進入咽喉 Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 只是一茶匙的糖,就可以讓吞下難以下嚥的藥也變得輕而易舉 In a most delightful way 以一種令人心生歡喜的方式
蜜蜂從花蕊中採取花蜜背回蜂巢 The honeybees that fetch the nectar from the flower to the comb 嗡嗡嗡勤勤懇懇從不知疲倦,也從不後退 Never tire of ever buzzing to and from 因為他們從每朵花中啜飲一小口花蜜 Because they take a little nip from every flower that they sip 從此啊從此,他們發現 And hence(and hence)they find (they find ) 他們再也不覺得工作有多麼艱難乏味 Their task is not a grind Ah... Ah~~~