- Lost Frequencies Truth Never Lies 歌詞
- Lost Frequencies
心碎的夜裡燈光暗淡 Faded lights on broken nights 情侶們像童孩嬉戲般爭執不休 Where lovers fight like children play 在你的房間裡一處陰暗角落 Theres a shadow in your house 滿是猜疑從未卸下防備 Its full of doubt, never goes away 打開心門無疑滿是爭執 Open doors, unspoken wars 這些話縈繞於你的腦海 The words are running round your head 你從未打算開口的餘言 Over things you never meant to say 與你一再欲言又止的話 And things you wish you would have said 你黑白通吃的自如手段 You can make a deal with the devil or a deal with the Lord 如同兩音符在同一和弦上彈弦 Just two notes ringing on the same passing chord 說出你的渴望說出你的需要 Say what you want, say what you need 然而我清楚事實的真相是無法改變的 But the truth, I know the truth will never lie to me 指出我的過失或是讓我走進你的心 Say that Im wrong or just let me be 只因我清楚事實就是事實真相無以改變 Cause the truth, I know the truth will never lie, never lie to me 事實就是事實 Never lie to me 打開心門無疑是不休的爭執 Open doors, unspoken wars 這些話縈繞於你的腦海 The words are running round your head 你從未打算開口的餘言 Over things you never meant to say 與你一再欲言又止的話 And things you wish you would have said 你黑白通吃的自如手段 You can make a deal with the devil or a deal with the Lord 如同兩音符在同一和弦上彈弦 Just two notes ringing on the same passing chord 說出你的渴望說出你的需要 Say what you want, say what you need 然而我清楚事實的真相是無法改變的 But the truth, I know the truth will never lie to me 指出我的過失或是讓我走進你的心 Say that Im wrong or just let me be 只因我清楚事實就是事實真相無以改變 Cause the truth, I know the truth will never lie, never lie to me 事實就是事實 Never lie to me 真相無以改變 The truth will never lie to me 事實就是事實 Never lie to me 你的計劃慢慢進行 Hold your cards a little closer 因此將無人會知曉 So no one will ever know 你最真實的一面 Who you really are inside 只因你從未坦白一切 Cause you never let it show 你黑白通吃的自如手段 You can make a deal with the devil or a deal with the Lord 如同兩音符在同一和弦上彈弦 Just two notes ringing on the same passing chord 說出你的渴望說出你的需要 Say what you want, say what you need 然而我清楚事實的真相是無法改變的 But the truth, I know the truth will never lie to me 指出我的過失或是讓我走進你的心 Say that Im wrong or just let me be 只因我清楚事實就是事實真相無以改變 Cause the truth, I know the truth will never lie, never lie to me 事實就是事實 Never lie to me 真相無以改變 The truth will never lie to me 事實就是事實 Never lie to me 真相無以改變 Never lie to me