- Bob Dylan visions of Johanna 歌詞
- Bob Dylan
- Visions of johanna
Bob Dylan
正如夜晚不正是耍些陰謀詭計的好時機嗎當你試圖保持沉靜內斂 Ain't it just like the night to play tricks when you're tryin' to be so quiet? 我們困坐於此雖然我們一再極力反對
路易絲手上沾滿雨水賴著不走一再誘使你去負隅頑抗 We sit here stranded, though we're all doin' our best to deny it 對面閣樓的光線搖曳四溢
房間裡熱導管低沉得響個不停 And Louise holds a handful of rain , temptin' you to defy it 鄉村音樂台舒緩地奏響旋律
但確實沒什麼真的沒什麼需要閉嘴安靜 Lights flicker from the opposite loft 只有路易絲和她的情人扭成一團
和占據我心中的喬安娜的種種形象 In this room the heat pipes just cough 空地上女人們叩響鑰匙鏈大玩捉迷藏的遊戲
夜店女孩在火車上竊竊私語聊著那些惡作劇 The country music station plays soft 我們能聽到守夜人舉著手電筒四處敲打巡邏
他狐疑自問是他自己還是他們真的荒唐無度 But there's nothing, really nothing to turn off 路易絲她沒什麼大礙她只是在附近徘徊
她溫潤優雅就像一面剔透的鏡子 Just Louise and her lover so entwined 但她只是讓一切都利落明了
可喬安娜已抽身離去 And these visions of Johanna that conquer my mind 電力之鬼在她頭骨裡肆意咆哮
喬安娜的紛亂形象徹底取代了我的位置 In the empty lot where the ladies play blindman's bluff with the key chain 現在啊迷途的小孩他總是謹小慎微
他拿他的悲劇自我吹噓他喜歡活在危機之中 And the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the 'D' train 當她的名字赫然出現
他湊過來和我匆匆吻別 We can hear the night watchman click his flashlight 他一定有一肚子的苦水但一切都徒勞無用
只能靠在牆邊低聲嘀咕幾句而我正等在大廳 Ask himself if it's him or them that's really insane 我該作何解釋呢
事情很難才有眉目 Louise, she's all right, she's just near 喬安娜的這些形像啊支撐著我挨到天亮
博物館裡面永恆正在不斷上升擴張 She's delicate and seems like the mirror 迴聲隨後如某種拯救人心的力量
但是蒙娜麗莎啊一定還沉浸在公路藍調中 But she just makes it all too concise and too clear 你能一眼瞧出她微笑的神秘表情
瞧瞧那些一開始就沒有舞伴的壁花在旁呆若木雞 That Johanna's not here 當臉上搽得像果凍般滑膩的女人紛紛打起噴嚏
只聽見那個大鬍子一聲“咿呀”驀地響起 The ghost of 'lectricity howls in the bones of her face 我發現我已雙膝如木
噢珠寶和望遠鏡紛紛掛在騾子頭一起轉圈 Where these visions of Johanna have now taken my place 但是喬安娜的這些形象讓一切變得如此殘酷
現在小販向伯爵夫人獻媚她精神煥發地裝作喜歡他似的 Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously 小販說賜我個名字吧別讓人以為我白吃白喝我會溜達出去為他日夜祈禱
但正如路易絲常說的那樣 He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously 你無法預見未來你能嗎伙計
當她自己為他準備就緒 And when bringing her name up 麥當娜女士仍沒準備好出來表演
我們眼睜睜看著這個空洞腐朽的牢籠 He speaks of a farewell kiss to me 她在舞台上穿的披肩曾在半空飄動
小提琴手他現在踱步走到街道上 He's sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and all 他寫下他曾欠下的需要歸還的無數清單
搖搖晃晃就在滿載的運魚車背後 Muttering small talk at the wall while I'm in the hall 當我的良知振聾發聵湧上心頭
口琴紛紛彈奏起萬能鑰匙和密集的雨點 How can I explain? 喬安娜的這些形象現在又通通降臨在我眼前 Oh, it's so hard to get on
And these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawn
Inside the museums, Infinity goes up on trial
Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while
But Mona Lisa must had the highway blues
You can tell by the way she smiles
See the primitive wallflower freeze
When the jelly-faced women all sneeze
Hear the one with the mustache say, 'Jeeze
I can't find my knees'
Oh, jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the mule
But these visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruel
The peddler now speaks to the countess who's pretending to care for him
Sayin', 'Name me someone that's not a parasite and I'll go out and say a prayer for him'
But like Louise always says ' Ya can't look at much, can ya man?'
As she, herself, prepares for him
And Madonna, she still has not showed
We see this empty cage now corrode Where her cape of the stage once had flowed
The fiddler, he now steps to the road
He writes ev'rything's been returned which was owed On the back of the fish truck that loads
While my conscience explodes
The harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rain
And these visions of Johanna are now all that remain