- WILD This Is Our Time 歌詞
- 製作人: Tyler Thompson
晨日縱縱升起 The sun, the sun is climbing slowly 沉浸其中的我正盡力定格每一幀景象 I hold these moments closely, closely now 海浪洶湧撲來 These waves hit a little harder 我深知它們將引領我去向某片未知地 I know they're gonna carry, carry me somewhere 於是我拋開一切,邁入其中 Step into the open wide 於是未來觸手可及 Watch the future come alive 當打之年到來 (This is our time) 共襄盛舉 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 當仁不讓 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 心跳加速 Hearts beat a little faster 竭力尋找前方的光芒,它正靜候逐夢人的到來 Looking for a light ahead that's waiting to be found 光芒漸近,街道漸亮 The streets get a little brighter 我們無處退縮,再無餘地 No borders left to keep us anymore 當打之年到來 (This is our time) 義無反顧 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 責無旁貸 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 氣沖霄漢 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 壯志凌雲 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 邁入那片廣闊之地 Step into the open wide 未來一片生機 Watch the future come alive 虔誠地感受它生長的脈搏 Tie it up and watch it grow 沖向未知的遠方 Run straight into the unknown 義無反顧 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 責無旁貸 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 氣沖霄漢 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 虔誠地感受它生長的脈搏 (Tie it up and watch it grow) 壯志凌雲 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time 沖向未知的遠方 (Run straight into the unknown) 與君同饗 Yours and it's mine 我們正當年 This is our time