- Jeff Bridges the quest 歌詞
- Jeff Bridges
- Well, I came out swinging at the center field wall
我在中場壘華麗登場 And I caught a fast ball and I touched them all 接住一個快速球,還接連觸地得分 But I burned down my engines needed to break 可是我的卡路里耗盡,不得不休息 Where all that's required is the time that we take 接下來要妥善運用我們爭取來的時間 Now I'm done doing nothing, I'm weary of rest 我討厭無所事事,討厭好逸惡勞 And I've got to get back to the quest 我必須繼續我的遠征
我沒有保持低調的理由 I've ran out of reasons for laying so low 我的記憶可以久留,但我的軀體必須奔走 My memories will stay but my body must go 我要歸於雷電交加,歸於亂石嶙峋,歸於雕心鷹爪 Back to the thunder, the rock and the eagle 我這份熱愛的誠意,唯有交給時間來見證 And the truths on my love, only time will reveal 我虔誠懺悔,得到寬恕 And I've just been forgiven and I'm all confessed 而今我必須繼續征途 So I've got to get back to the quest 左手拿車票,右手提背包 In one hand a ticket, in the other, a bag 大好時光,讓告別變得無關緊要 Times have been good, it makes goodbye a drag 我天生不愛獨自駐足 But I wasn't born to be standing still alone 哪一天我離開人間,請在我的墓碑上刻下“向死而生” You know, one day my tombstone will say 'born to be gone' 有一群地頭蛇正等著我去捉拿 Now my posse is waiting 我要去大西部和他們一決高下 Out to the west 是時候繼續我的遠征 Yes, it's time to get back to the quest 是時候繼續我的遠征 Time to get back to the quest