- K1inz
- 封面製作:DC&K1inz
編曲:Beck Rec:洪書海|REC Studio 混音:RED BOOK SEA 監製:洪書海 K1! ! ! endure humiliation (忍辱負重) Alone go on path end (一路孤行) Pure vision (耳目不染) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) scrupulousness (慎終如始) Keep ambitious (保持雄心) close application (專心一意) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) endure humiliation (忍辱負重) Alone go on path end (一路孤行) Pure vision (耳目不染) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) scrupulousness (慎終如始) Keep ambitious (保持雄心) close application (專心一意) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) Lightning in flashing around my road (電閃雷鳴伴我同行) Chaos compassing on my growth (世間混沌環繞吾生) Born in the dark I'm long for fresh light (生於黑暗之中我渴望光明) I ain't complain it or ever try to way back (但我從未抱怨或試圖退縮) 玉立斗篷雨風中四處是危機 腔氣相合從容於功厚如風洗淨世間的卑鄙 赤子初心在我心中 世人說我太過平庸 我逆風而行猶如浴血鳳凰綻開 endure humiliation (忍辱負重) Alone go on path end (一路孤行) Pure vision (耳目不染) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) scrupulousness (慎終如始) Keep ambitious (保持雄心) close application (專心一意) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) endure humiliation (忍辱負重) Alone go on path end (一路孤行) Pure vision (耳目不染) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) scrupulousness (慎終如始) Keep ambitious (保持雄心) close application (專心一意) I'm born to standing on the roof (吾生來立於屋簷之上) 總有人分不清黑白 眾人已皆醉I'm still clear in mind (眾人皆醉我獨醒) 願赴蹈在之中 也不以傲為榮 我立於凌雲之上怡然自得瞰晴空 Even nobody trust in you, out of stand in the right (即使無人信任你,你也應該站在正確的地方) One minute enough make you down,falling from high Surrouding by the fire (一分鐘足夠將你毀掉,從高處墜落谷底,被惡火纏繞) I just want fight in my road (我只想在我的道路上繼續奮鬥) 已不想再去回首 I'm born to standing on the…… (吾生來立於屋簷之上)