- Lou Bega mambo no.5 歌詞
- Lou Bega
- One, two , three four, five
1,2,3,4,5 everybody in the car so come on lets ride 大家快上車 To the liqueur-store around the corner , 拐個彎開向酒吧 the boys say they want some gin and juice 男孩們點了一些金酒和果汁 but I really dont wanna 但我真的不想 beerbust like I had last week 像上週那樣 I must stay deep cause talk is a cheap 我要故作深沉畢竟交談廉價 I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita 我喜歡安吉拉,帕米拉,桑德拉還有瑞塔 and as I continue you know theyre gettin sweeter 你們繼續聽我說就會更加明白她們的迷人之處 so what can I do I really beg you my Lord 上帝啊我真誠的懇求 to me flirtin its just like a sport 調情對我來說就像一場遊戲 anything fly its all good let me dump it 我來者不拒 please set in the trumpet 請廣而告之: a little bit of Monica in my life 我需要莫妮卡出現在我生命裡 a little bit of Erica by my side 我想要艾瑞卡在我身邊 a little bit of Rita is all I need 我需要瑞塔和我在一起 a little bit of Tina is what I see 我想要緹娜在我身邊 a little bit of Sandra in the sun 我想看見桑德拉站在陽光下 a little bit of Mary all night long 我想要瑪麗陪我度過寂寞長夜 a little bit of Jessica here I am 我想要傑西卡出現在我面前 a little bit of you makes me youre man 還有你寶貝我也想成為你的男人
勁歌熱舞盡情搖擺 jump up and down and move it all around 舉起手甩起頭跟著這音樂一起搖擺吧 shake your head to the sound put your hands an the ground 左跳一步右跳一步 take one step left and one step right 前跳一下後跳一下 one to the front and one to the side 雙手拍一下雙手拍兩下 clap your hands once and clap your hands twice 如果你跳的像這樣的話就說明你跳對了 and if it looks like this then you doin it right 我需要莫妮卡出現在我生命裡 a little bit of Monica in my life 我想要艾瑞卡在我身邊 a little bit of Erica by my side 我需要瑞塔和我在一起 a little bit of Rita is all I need 我想要緹娜在我身邊 a little bit of Tina is what I see 我想看見桑德拉站在陽光下 a little bit of Sandra in the sun 我想要瑪麗陪我度過寂寞長夜 a little bit of Mary all night long 我想要傑西卡出現在我面前 a little bit of Jessica here I am 還有你寶貝我也想成為你的男人 a little bit of you makes me youre man 我需要莫妮卡出現在我生命裡
我想要艾瑞卡在我身邊 a little bit of Monica in my life 我需要瑞塔和我在一起 a little bit of Erica by my side 我想要緹娜在我身邊 a little bit of Rita is all I need 我想看見桑德拉站在陽光下 a little bit of Tina is what I see 我想要瑪麗陪我度過寂寞長夜 a little bit of Sandra in the sun 我想要傑西卡出現在我面前 a little bit of Mary all night long 還有你寶貝我也想成為你的男人 a little bit of Jessica here I am 我做的這一切都是為了能與你這樣的女孩共墜愛河 a little bit of you makes me youre man 你逃不了藏不住我們一起嗨上天 I do all to fall in love with a girl like you You cant run and you cant hide you and me gonna touch the sky.