- Speed car speed car
快車快車 AE 86 is coming AE86即將登場 Speed car speed car and he's gonna be the number one 快車快車他將會取得勝利 Speed car 快車
今晚沒有恐懼 There is no fear tonight 沒有憐憫可言 There is no mercy to ride 誰將拔得頭籌 Who's gonna be number one 誰將鎩羽而歸 Who's gonna loose to much time 每天晚上在秋名山競速
速度之星和赤城紅日正準備戰鬥 On the AKINA mountain every day and every night the racing 快車快車 SPEED STAR team and RED SUNS are ready to fight D計劃隊伍會取勝嗎 Speed car speed car 快車快車 Is the team of PROJECT.D the winning 拓海是賽車之王 Speed car speed car 快車快車 And TAKUMI is the king of racing AE86即將登場 Speed car speed car 快車快車他將會取得勝利 AE 86 is coming 快車 Speed car speed car and he's gonna be the number one 他只是個孩子 Speed car 但他已經準備要上天
他不在乎比賽 He was little child 但他開得最好 But he was ready to fly 每天晚上在秋名山競速 He didn't care for the race 速度之星和赤城紅日準備戰鬥 But was the best in the place 快車快車 On the AKINA mountain every day and every night the racing D計劃隊伍會取勝嗎 SPEED STAR team and RED SUNS are ready to fight 快車快車 Speed car speed car 拓海是賽車之王 Is the team of PROJECT.D the winning 快車快車 Speed car speed car AE86即將登場 And TAKUMI is the king of racing 快車快車他將會取得勝利 Speed car speed car 快車 AE 86 is coming 今晚沒有恐懼 Speed car speed car and he's gonna be the number one 沒有憐憫可言 Speed car 誰將拔得頭籌
誰將鎩羽而歸 There is no fear tonight 每天晚上在秋名山競速 There is no mercy to ride 速度之星和赤城紅日準備戰鬥 Who's gonna be number one 快車快車 Who's gonna loose to much time D計劃隊伍會取勝嗎 On the AKINA mountain every day and every night the racing 快車快車 SPEED STAR team and RED SUNS are ready to fight 拓海是賽車之王 Speed car speed car 快車快車 Is the team of PROJECT.D the winning AE86即將登場 Speed car speed car 快車快車他將會取得勝利 And TAKUMI is the king of racing 快車 Speed car speed car 他將會取得勝利 AE 86 is coming 快車 Speed car speed car and he's gonna be the number one 他只是個孩子 Speed car 但他準備要上天
他不在乎比賽 And he's gonna be the number one 但他開得最好 Speed car 速度之星和赤城紅日準備戰鬥
快車快車 He was little child AE86即將登場 But he was ready to fly 快車快車他將會取得勝利 He didn't care for the race 快車 But was the best in the place
SPEED STAR team and RED SUNS are ready to fight
Speed car speed car AE 86 is coming Speed car speed car and he's gonna be the number one Speed car