- Nick Jonas Believe 歌詞
- Nick Jonas
- You see it all around us
嘿,你看,那個東西就在我們身邊 In every single color 它是存在於每一種顏色裡的精靈 And every written answer 又會變成各種可能的答案,躍然紙上 The crowns are re-invention 為你的想像力重塑桂冠 And then it's black then it's white 它時而漆黑,時而潔白 And when it is dark then it's light 宛如夜魅,又亮如晨晝 So fill in all the spaces with imaginary places 就天馬行空吧,用你的想像去填補空虛 It's frustrating when no one else sees everything you see 當人們無法看到你所看到的一切時,這真令人沮喪 So for now it is just an illusion confusion 除非有人願意去相信 Unless it's someone who believes 不然這只能被稱作混亂的錯覺 When you love tell me what do you see 當你墜入愛河時,請向我描繪你看到的景色 Tell me tell me 請你告訴我 Is it real is it fiction 它是真實的,還是虛幻的 You know they make believe 你知道的,人們為了讓自己好過 And they think it's just a tad better 總是習慣牽強偽裝 Where would you rise 當你已然絕處逢生 If you beat certain steps 邁出堅實的步伐 Full of fences and clouds 去征服那條滿佈荊棘與陰霾的路時 Until people just ride 你身後的人們才剛剛開始啟程 They've bene playing for life 他們抱著遊戲人間的態度虛耗時光 It's been staged twice now 他們重蹈覆轍,一再上演鬧劇 It is extraordinary we're stronger 我們星途燦爛,早已浴火重生 See believe believe believe 所以,相信吧,相信吧 I was told into 曾經有人告訴我 Just to see the fundamental 你要去發掘萬物的本質 I only see the white lights the sunset in the sunrise 而我明明看到了晨光,卻在日出時感慨日落 And if it is weak then it's wrong 當它還很微弱之時,人們會說它是錯的 And just when it's right then it's wrong 而當它被證實正確,還是有人顛倒黑白 Everything that I see it's nothing like it should be 我所看到的事物都被傾覆,人們把不合理強行變為合理 And yes it's so frustrating when no one else sees everything you see 噢,是的,當你無法被別人認同,這真的很令人沮喪 So for now it is just an illusion confusion 而除非有人願意去相信 Unless it's someone who believes 否則它只能被稱作混亂的錯覺 When you love tell me what do you see 當你墜入愛河時,告訴我你看到了什麼吧 Tell me tell me 請你告訴我 Is it real or a mystery scientifically 它是真實存在著的,還是一個未解之謎 It's more than an adventure apart 這不單純只是一腔孤勇的探險 Tell me tell me 請告訴我 Look again it's a rocket and it's headed for mars 請再看一遍,你看,這是一個飛往火星的火箭 On a mission to search for new life 它正處在探尋新生命的途中 When you read back the notes cause it's really a long flight 你反复翻看筆記,因為這航程極長,難以置信 Turn the whole world upside-down 你需要去顛覆這個世界 And you'll see believe believe believe 以此來堅定心中的信念 Just imagination 你要勇敢地去想像 Or creative speculation 敢於說出那些極具創意的猜想 Our lives calling 我們的生命正在召喚 Were never meant to be boring 它本就不該如此蒼白 Believe believe 我們的征途是星辰大海 Believe believe 我們應該揚帆起航 Believe believe 要相信啊 Believe believe 請相信吧 Believe believe 我們的征途是星辰大海 Believe believe 我們應該揚帆起航 Believe believe 要相信啊 Believe believe 請相信吧 Believe 就相信吧