- 鄧澤西 False Faust 歌詞
- 鄧澤西
- 編曲: 鄧澤西
浮士德: 創作時間:2020.1.22-00:29 玩弄權力於股掌 Faust 啜飲金錢的氣味 “Flirting with power 把星系點燃 Sipping on dimes 來讓我感到愉快 Burning a planet 厭倦於聚光燈 To feel alive 厭倦於叛逆 Tired of being famous 直到梅菲斯特的到來 and being bad 他在我耳邊低語: Till one day he comes 梅菲斯特: whisper to my mind:” “地獄要帶走你的靈魂了 Mephistopheles: 我為你的生活辯護 “They want your soul now 和我訂立一紙契約 I fend for your vibe 來保住你的性命吧:” Sign me a contract “你經年累月的無謂的歡愉 to keep your life:” 讓你的前路變得盲目 “For years of vain joy 謹遵我的訓誡 you blind your own path 來斧正你的過錯” Follow my commandment “讀《出埃及記》14(How Much a Dollar Cost) to do your things right” 做一個謙卑的人(HUMBLE.) “Read Exodus 14 讓你的心智保持健全 Sit and be humble 在唱詩班和《聖經》中得到安寧 Feed your mind healthy 別違背我和你的契約 with choirs and Bible 你應誓死選擇良善 Don't let your oath break 願你生生不息(Vulcan salute) Pledge life to be kind 願你的生命走向新的階段” Live long and prosper 浮士德: by declaring new divide” 梅菲斯特已經睡熟 Faust: 兩次刀捅讓刀刃血跡斑斑 “Here it lies Mephistopheles 上帝啊請讚揚我殺死了惡魔 Stab in twice to get a red knife 帶我到你的天國去吧” Lord please praise me for killing devil 主啊為何我的肉身正在消散 Take me to your holy land” 如同無法停止蒸發的水滴 “Oh Lord I am fading now 而梅菲斯特卻死裡復活 Can't stop evaporating now 如同書中所寫的拉撒路” Wakes up he's back to life 梅菲斯特: Just like Lazarus in tales” “你只是一個虛假的浮士德 Mephistopheles: 你應當在地獄中焚燒” “You're just a false Faust “你只是一個浮士德的反叛 Thou shall burn in the hell” 你應當在地獄中焚燒” “You're just a false Faust Thou shall burn in the hell”