- Parkway Drive Carrion 歌詞
- Parkway Drive
- Carrion
腐敗 In a moment I'm lost 我迷失於頃刻之間 Dying from the inside 消亡於迷途深處 Her eyes take me away 她的眼神將我蠱惑 Tear me apart from the inside out 由內而外地撕裂了我 Dead eyes speak in volumes? 死人的雙眼在說話 But our lips refuse to move 而我們緘口不言 Could this ever be the last time? 這將是終末嗎? The final time that we see this through? 自此我們將不再直面此景? Give me the strength to return 給予我回首的力量 The breath you've stolen 和被你竊去的氣息 Give me the means to reset 為我闢一道歸路 Her heart I've broken again 只因我對她傷痛的追悔 Reflection built upon sorrow 悲痛築成我的思緒 We're walking the darkest roads 我們正步於陰暗大道 Within chests carved with regret 在心中刻下悔恨 In a moment I've lost 我迷失於頃刻之間 Dying from the inside 消亡於迷途深處 Her eyes take me away 她的眼神將我蠱惑 Tear me apart from the inside out 由內而外地撕裂了我 From the inside out 由內而外 The inside out 將我撕裂 We've been running blind 我們曾無止境地盲目奔跑 Now we're falling through the cracks 此刻我們墜入深淵 We're left running 我們只能繼續奔跑 We are running blind 我們無止境地盲目奔跑 Now we' re falling 而此刻我們正在下墜 Falling through the cracks 墜入那無盡深淵 Back to the world of the dead 回歸死者的世界 Her shining eyes mark our return back 她閃爍的雙眸宣告了我們的歸來 To the world of the dead 歸至這死者的世界 In a moment I've lost 我迷失於頃刻之間 Drowning from the inside 溺亡於淵洋深處 Her eyes take me away 她的眼神將我蠱惑 Tear me apart 由內而外 From the inside out 將我撕裂 My love I left 我離開了我的摯愛 My heart I left 我離開了我的心 With my promise to return 攜著那歸來的諾言 A promise to return 歸來的諾言