- 萬虹之上(Ft. 思嬋 Mix.by ZENSOUL) 歌詞 ZENSOUL Lannie雅傑
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- Lannie雅傑 萬虹之上(Ft. 思嬋 Mix.by ZENSOUL) 歌詞
- ZENSOUL Lannie雅傑
- 我要以跳動的心臟,雪下的芳草,雨後的彩虹,來擁抱你,抱緊你
I want to let my heartbeat,green grass under the snow, and rainbow after the storm, embrace you 我要以爛漫的櫻花,奔騰的江流,泉湧的熱淚,來擁抱你,擁抱你 I want to let the romantic cherry blossoms,flowing river, and precious tears, embrace you 又驚醒在破曉的黎明,噩夢還在繼續,曙光還被迫被壓在了雪裡 We wake up at dawn, but the nightmare still goes on. The light has been suppressed in the snow 一場疫情的突然來襲快要吞噬彩色和聲音 The sudden epidemic swallows up all the color and sound, 空氣裡瀰漫著不安和憂鬱 the insecurity and suspicion are spreading in the air
不是天災只是有人肆意的打破了規矩,真相都埋在你我的心裡 It's not a natural disaster but people recklessly break the rules and bury the truth 只希望危機褪去後的我們都不會失憶,無辜的生命沒有武器曾被無故殃及 We hope that we will never forget this crisis, because unarmed, innocent people are inflicted
走吧跨過雪地去尋找生命的湖 Let's cross the bleak snowfields to search for the lake of life 仰望同塊天空心敲著暮色的鼓 Looking at the same sky, but drumming with our hearts at dusk 千年來崎嶇的路我們都踏平克服 We have conquered the rugged way for thousands of years 相信這次也能夠走出無助的深處 I believe we can make our own way out of this time, too
致敬奮斗在前線素不相識的你 Great respect for all the people fighting this virus at the frontline 默默無聞譜寫偉大的事蹟 Silently contributing to the greatness 陽光被陰霾遮蓋你們拼命的撥開 Sunshine is covered by the haze, but you help us get through it 風浪越大越要揮起善良的旗 The stronger the wind, the harder we should wave to the flag of kindness 你不是誰的棋子也不是破碎的鏡子 You are nobody's pawn or broken mirror, 你是你自己能辨別是非的獨立個體 just be yourself 大雪想蓋住大地上的其他色彩 The snow wants to cover the color on the ground 但我們是種子被種在地下終會宣告春天的到來 but we are the seeds buried underground that will eventually announce the advent of spring
我們生而為人都會恐懼,對災難都想逃避 It is natural to feel scared about disasters 但善良的心會給你更多的勇氣 but a virtuous heart will give you courage 危難之際你選擇是隔離還是逃離的 Choosing to confront or to run away from danger 看似簡單的問題也許我們之前從未過考慮 seem like easy decisions, but we don't think this deeply
最近多了好多打給家的電話牽掛 There are more phone calls home, recently 看到你們平安無事我把擔心都嚥下 I didn't say how relieved I felt after I heard you were fine 害怕打開手機看到攀升被感染的數據 I am so afraid to see new statistics about the virus 挺住我們都站在同個簷下 Hold up. We are on the same boat 眼下我們雖然遠隔萬里 We are on opposite sides of Earth 但我們心在一起一定能夠打贏這場戰役 but our hearts are with you — we will win this battle 你聽那是湖水流動的聲音春天就要來臨我們就快要走出這片雪地 Listen, that is the sound of flowing water — spring is coming and we are getting out of this snowfield
新的轉機和閃閃的星斗綴滿沒有遮攔的天空 New opportunities and shining stars are dotted in the sky 我們在寒冬中擁抱相依 We hug each other in this hard winter 患難時候你無言的鼓勵 with silent encouragement 睜開眼睛時候的光明 The light will shine if we open our eyes 我們攜著記憶從沉默中甦醒 Let's wake up from the silence with precious memories
武漢加油,中國加油,世界加油 Wuhan stays strong. China Stays strong. We all stay strong .
最後,shout out to the foreign friends who are praying for my country. Although there is a crack, that's how the light shines in. (最後,致敬那些給予了我國家幫助的外國友人)
作曲/編曲:GeosiiyLR 作詞/Rap:Lannie蘭 Hook:思嬋 混音:Zensoul 錄音:Rolorence 封面:Nick Wang / 行 “武漢加油,中國加油”音頻剪輯:Freya
在此我們想特別感謝Zensoul老師和李丁丁老師這樣的專業音樂人士能在百忙之中且不計報酬地幫忙混音或是給到專業意見,同時還要感謝給我們建議以及支持我們的人,他們是:我們的家人,3MIU哥,Panopath過來人,Hunter哥,可奕學長,Ashley徐老師,老V,Peipei,王飛教授,起子哥,Natalia,Andrea阮老師,GaoWei老師,Uncle Dan……