- Brad Breeck fury heart 歌詞
- Brad Breeck
- Running hard, backs to the wall.
勇往直前,儘管走投無路。 Facing strife, terror fills your life. 面對抗爭,雖然充滿畏懼。 They push you back, but you got the power! 他們想讓你知難而退,但你卻愈戰愈勇! Dig deep for that fire, yeah, everything will- 為了那份激情而奮鬥,是的,追尋真理的路上 suffice resistance, frustration. 充滿阻力,挫折 Leave it all behind! 將他們通通拋到腦後! Giving up right now would be a crime! 半途而廢就是一種犯罪! Fury Heart! Gotta find the answers! 我心似火!為真理而奮鬥! Fury Heart! You've got that fire of your desire! 我心似火!我已經點燃了我的慾望之火!