- 林方舟 亡命之徒 歌詞
- 林方舟
- In the Auto world
在這個凹凸世界裡 We've a spirit of self-assure and life adventure 充斥著自信與冒險精神 In the Auto world 在這個凹凸世界裡 Let's have a drink and kiss honors 讓我們為我們的榮耀舉杯 Fight for a peaceful auto world with your magic and your thirsty weapons 用魔法和武器為和平的凹凸世界作鬥爭 No matter whatever you choose we've a same destination. 無論我們選擇什麼方式結局都是一樣的 Whistle 一聲哨音 An owl flying over heads and hooting 一隻貓頭鷹飛過我們的頭頂並嚎叫著 Ignore 無視那些 The voice of mock and taunt from your dream 刻意的嘲諷和挖苦 We carve the trees into fantastic shapes of triple six 我們用武器將樹切割成666的形狀 And you said it's freaking cool 你們讚歎不已 What the hell unyielding in your souls 我不在意你們不屈的靈魂是有多逆天 We'll sit and watch your newbie show 請開始你們的表演 Power's everything you'd better know 你們最好記住實力代表一切 Cause we are the heroes of this world 因為我們才是這個世界的英雄