- The Score Stronger 歌詞
- The Score
- [length: 03:10.041]
我並不是為追慕紙醉金迷的生活而破釜沉舟 [tool: 歌詞滾動姬https://lrc-maker.github.io] 事態每況愈下 I don't do this for the riches 縈繞心頭棄之不去 I'm infected my condition 此番言辭是我畢生信仰 Is I'm always in my head 卻遲疑不決 These words are my religion 但我將永不停歇地捍衛它直至消逝 I'm obsessed it's by decision 騰湧澎湃 I'ma do this 'til I'm dead 滿腔熱忱 Set me on fire 哇哦 Set me on set me on fire 百舍重繭 Whoa whoa-oh 千錘百煉如故挺立傲然 I'm still alive 令你驚詫的是我竟浴火重生 I'm still ali- I'm still alive whoa 直上雲霄鳴鏗鏘 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 事與願違我終將凱旋而歸 Higher faster everlasting 奏響號角愈發高亢 Bet you didn't think that I 'd come back to life 你不會料想我竟鳳凰涅槃 Higher faster never-crashing 雷霆萬鈞 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 席捲八荒 Stronger 令你意想不到我卻會更生再造 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 戰無不勝 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 所向披靡 Stronger 事與願違我終將得勝回朝 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 矢志不渝 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 事實勝於雄辯 I do this with conviction 我的痼疾是你所招致 I write truths and never fiction 已無法波折我萬丈雄心 My disease is what you fed 勢不可擋 I can't stop with my ambition 你會膽寒於我巨大的威懾力 Like a missile on a mission 慷慨激昂 I'm a force that you will dread 滿腔熱血 Set me on fire 哇哦 Set me on set me on fire 裹血力戰 Whoa whoa-oh 燒荒不盡 I 'm still alive 事與願違浴火重生 I'm still ali- I'm still alive Whoa 席捲八荒 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 囊吞四海 Stronger 令你無法料及我終將凱旋而歸 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 騰湧澎湃 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 滿腔熱忱 Stronger 令你驚詫的是我竟會浴火重生 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 但是你卻固執己見認為我已逝去 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 事與願違 Bet you thought that I was dead 我從未離開這大千世界 But I'm not dead 我篤定你會猜想我已棄世而亡 I'm not dead 但我仍然佇立於此 Bet you thought that I was dead 從未離去 But I'm not dead 滿腔熱忱 I'm not dead 騰湧澎湃 Stronger stronger everlasting 慷慨激昂 Higher faster never-crashing 浴血奮勇拼搏 Stronger stronger everlasting 令你驚詫的是我竟會浴血重生 Higher faster never-crashing 直上雲霄鳴鏗鏘 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 奏響號角愈發高亢 Stronger 事與願違 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 我已戰無不勝 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 所向披靡 Stronger 我篤定你猜想我已棄世而亡 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 愈發頑強 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 我篤定你猜想我已棄世而亡 Stronger 但我仍佇立於此 Bet you thought that I was dead 席捲八荒囊吞四方 But I'm not dead I'm not dead 令你驚詫的是我竟浴火重生 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 茁壯成長 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life 事與願違 Stronger 我並未與世長辭 Bet you thought that I was dead 反卻奏響號角愈發高亢 But I'm not dead I'm not dead 我篤定你不會料及我竟鳳凰涅槃浴火重生 Stronger stronger stronger stronger 但事與願違我終將凱旋而歸 Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life