- Slyleaf Pixie 歌詞
- yitaku Slyleaf
回想起來有趣的是 Its funny how 我們對那些純粹的疑問 Were left without 並未留下任何答案 On purer doubt 事到如今
我的聲音仍在空靈中縹緲 Even now 直至九霄雲外 My voice is scattered 環視此處 To the world in clouds 即使有千言萬語 Look away 卻不知從何訴起 A million words 在難眠之夜 I dont know how to say 你都試探性地詢問著我 And everyday 但你深知,我亦留此地 You ask me 從未知曉你所擁有的野心 But, You know im here to stay 從未了解你飛向雲端的意志 Never knew you had wings 且僅化繭成蝶 Never knew you had to fly 仰望璀璨星空 Just like butterflies 前進的路上佈滿荊棘 Look up to the sky 也要努力駐在山岳之巔
那些艱苦便會向你娓娓道來 I know, its hard 腦海中充斥的思緒 Standing on the edge 也許會讓你不禁抓狂 They will tell you 飽經風霜的你依舊保持著你的美 Its all in your head 你大可不必去 You feel crazy 為了每個人而加倍努力 Youre still beautiful 你定會知道我的一番苦心,相信我 You dont have to 而智者見智,仁者見仁 Keep it in for anyone 簡單是難題的假象 Youll see, trust me 要從另一個角度看待 No ones got it right 你大可不必 Just seems easy 這麼狠心地對待自己 From the other side 我理解,我都理解 You dont have to 世界被雨水洗刷殆儘後 Do this on your own 所聽所聞便清晰無比
別再藏在自己的影子背後 I realize 而我早已無拘無束 Its clearer when 在呼嘯的風中將其擁抱 The rain is pouring down 在晨間的朝霞盡情沐浴 Dont hide 顧視遠方 I feel at home 即使有一百萬個詞 Within the wind 我也不知如何形容大千世界的魅力 And clouds 每天要走的路還很長 Look away 你或許還會再問我 A million words 但你知道,我盼你於此 I dont know how to say 從未深知你有翅膀 And everyday 從未感知你必須要起飛了 You ask me 且僅涅槃重生 But, you know 觀望流星長河
仰視雲舒霞卷 Never know you had wings Never knew you had to fly Just like butterflies Look up to the sky Look up to the sky