- Ann Marie In My Feelings 歌詞
- Ann Marie
- Im drained
我爛醉如泥 Physically, Mentally, Emotionally 生理心理情緒上都醉的一塌糊塗 I done gave you all of me but still you couldnt devote to me 我毫無保留的為你奉獻但你甚至都做不到對我忠誠 Told you bout the ****** in my past and how they hurted me 我告訴你我的前任們如何傷害了我 But you swore up and down that you wasnt the same 你多麼誠摯地起誓你不會做那樣的蠢事 And how you do **** differently 你與他們不同 You tweaked on me 可你騙了我 Thought I didnt know bout the **** ***** you was really on 你還以為我發現不了你上的那些 Thought I didnt know bout the creeping and the cheating and the sneaking and the hoes steady texting yo phone 還以為我發現不了你的偷腥出軌和那些不停發短信給你的們 ** *** yeah I knew 我都知道 Yeah I knew ***** 我什麼都知道 I just waiting on you ***** 我只是在等 I was just waiting for the truth ***** 我在等你坦誠告訴我這些破事 But look what you do 但你做了什麼 Just let me go 你讓我滾 Leave me alone 把我一個人丟下 You know damn well that you doing me wrong 你心知肚明你做的事多對不起我 You know damn well I dont deserve all the **** that you do 你知道我根本不該承受你搞出來的這些噁心事 But you still blowing up my phone like 但你還毫不知恥地不停撥我的電話說著 Bae wait dont walk out 寶貝別離開我 Baby sit down lets talk about it 坐下來我們談談吧 Baby dont leave just think about it 寶貝別走再給我一次機會吧 And then I tweak about it 但我一口回絕了 Cuz now im in the position I was already in 因為現在的我就是我應該成為的人 Getting myself hurt over and over again 我一次一次地受傷 And you doing all **** that you already did 任由你做的荒唐事也該到此為止了 And Im telling myself 我告訴自己 Man we done got years in this **** 我們在這種變態關係中掙扎了數年 And if I leave then thats it 我一旦離開就無法破鏡重圓了 But im done with this **** 但我是真的受夠了 I cant take this **** no more man tell me whats this for man 這種痛苦是人都受不了而我也不隱忍了 What did I do to deserve all this pain 我做了什麼傷天害理的事要承受這種痛苦 Gave you loyalty and all I wanted was the same 我對你忠貞不二隻求你也忠誠 Gave you all my trust but you took that **** in vein 我給你信任你卻讓它付諸東流 Tried to play me like a goofy like I didnt know the game but 你把我當做一個毫不知情的傻瓜耍來耍去 Im done * **** 我真的夠了 Im done with ya 我實在受夠了 This my message 這就是我要說的 From me to you 我要讓你知道 You got me in my feelings 你傷透了我的心 (you got me) 你讓我 You got me in my feelings 你讓我肝腸寸斷 (you got me) 你讓我 You got me 你讓我痛不欲生 (baby you got me) 你讓我 You got me 你讓我傷痛麻木 (baby you got me) 你讓我 You got me in my feelings 你把我傷的體無完膚 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I still love you thats the crazy part about it all 這段感情中最荒唐的就是我還愛著你 Id be lying if I said I wouldnt come running when you called 如果我說你打給我電話我不會焦急奔向你那我就是在撒謊 Id be lying if I said that I wouldnt drop it all 如果我說我不會放下一切只為你那我就是在撒謊 **** them other ****** you know I put you before them all 我無視他人把你放在最重要的位置 Im the one thats been down through it all 我才是和你共度了人生起伏的人 Im the one that picks you up when you fall 我才是在你跌落時給你鼓勵支持的人 Im the one that held it down with no prob 我才是那個對你無條件信任的人 When **** got hard 無論人生多麼差勁 So tell me what it is what **** going on like 告訴我現在我們算什麼以後我們怎麼辦 Tell me what it is boy tell me what it aint 告訴我是非的標準究竟是什麼 Tell me how you feel boy tell me what you thank 告訴我你到底怎麼想的 Tell me is it real boy tell me is it fake 告訴我這是不是就是一場亦真亦假的夢 Is it really what you want or is you just playing games like 這就是你想要的嗎還是說你從來就只是玩玩 Cuz **** not adding up 時間從沒讓我們的關係變得更堅固 You steady telling me you love me but you acting up 你假惺惺的告訴我你多愛我,一遍又一遍 And everytime we move forward its like you backing up 每當我們前進一寸時你又在心上退我千丈 But we gon been through this all aint it bad enough like 這時間的拉鋸讓人辨不清好壞 What I didnt text you enough (no) 好像都怪我我沒有發足夠多的短信關心你 What I wasnt ***y enough (no) 好像是我不夠性感 What I didnt *** you enough didnt call not enough was my love not enough like 好像是我滿足不了你的性幻想沒有給你打足夠的電話沒有給你足夠的愛 Damn tell me how you feel 他媽的你倒是告訴我你到底在想什麼 You got me ova here in my 你讓我自己胡思亂想 You got me in my feelings 任我自己傷春悲秋 (you got me) 都是你 You got me in my feelings 讓我傷透了心 (you got me) 你讓我遍體鱗傷 You got me 你讓我體無完膚 (baby you got me) 你讓我悲痛欲絕 You got me 你讓我五臟俱焚 (baby you got me) 你讓我麻木不仁 You got me in my feelings 你傷透了我 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You got me in my feelings what am I to do 你讓我不知道該怎麼辦 Tell me do I leave or do I stick with you 告訴我到底該離開還是繼續堅守 Stick with you 我該留在你身邊嗎 Im so confused 剪不斷 Baby im confused 理還亂 Tell me do I leave or 告訴我是否該離開 Do I stick with you stick with you what do I do 還是留下來 Tell me what I do 告訴我該怎麼做 Baby do I leave or......... 我該離開嗎