- Whiskey Myers stone 歌詞
- Whiskey Myers
- The night is my companion
夜色陪伴著我 And the highway is my home 漫漫長路是我的家鄉 Got me seeking for one last beacon 在我漫游過的每一個角落 Every single place I roam 搜尋著可以指引方向的光亮 They say jesus was a poor man 聽說耶穌也是個可憐的人 I guess I wish I have a lil more of him in me 我希望我能夠像他多一些 Makes it easier going on living 更從容地活下去 Heartache and misery 度過苦痛和心傷 Sweet, sweet heart of mine 我可憐的心 Im gonna break ya again a million times 人生心碎百萬回 Or is this too far gone 抑或何止百萬回 Have you turned to stone 你是否早已鐵石了心腸?
我想我找到了屬於我的佳釀 Well I guess I got my bottle 從此沉迷於酒精的芬芳 I still hold it all the time 它讓我能微笑著歌唱 But it keeps me smiling and singing 讓我能更好的墜入夢鄉 Helps me fall asleep a lil bit better at night 聽說生活就像一把殘酷的匕首 They say life is like a dagger 後台爬滿了魑魅魍魎 Backstage is full of parasites 他們以愛你的名義榨乾你的骨髓 Theyll love you, drain you of everthing you own 只為了自己過得更愉快 Just to feel better about their lives 我可憐的心 Sweet, sweet heart of mine 人生心碎百萬回 Im gonna break ya again a million times 抑或何止百萬回 Or is this too far gone 你是否早已鐵石了心腸? Have you turned to stone 我可憐的心
人生心碎百萬回 Sweet, sweet heart of mine 抑或何止百萬回 Im gonna break ya again a million times 我可憐的心 Or is this too far gone 人生心碎百萬回 Sweet, sweet love of mine 抑或何止百萬回 Im gonna break ya again a million times 你是否早已鐵石了心腸? Or is this too far gone Have you turned to stone