- Eddie Vedder No More 歌詞
- Eddie Vedder
- I speak for a man who gave for this land
一個為這片土地傾其所有的人值得有人替他發聲 Took a bullet in the back for his pay 我就是在他背後堅決支持他的一個 Spilled his blood in the dirt and the dust 他將血淚灑在異國他鄉上 He's back to say: 他在歸來之時這樣說: What he has seen is hard to believe “我所目睹的一切難以置信 And it does no good to just pray 僅僅祈禱是沒有用的 He asks of us to stand 我們需要站起來 And we must end this war today 我們需要終結這場戰爭” With his mind, he's saying, 'No more!' 他用他的意志吶喊,“夠了,夠了!” With his heart, he's saying, 'No more!' 他用他的靈魂吶喊,“夠了,夠了!” With his life he's saying, 'No more war!' 他用他的生命吶喊,“夠了,夠了!” With his eyes, he's saying, 'No more!' 他用他的眼睛吶喊,“夠了,夠了!” With his body, he's saying, 'No more!' 他用他的身軀吶喊,“夠了,夠了!” With his voice, he's saying, 'No more war!' 他聲嘶力竭:“夠了,我們已經受夠了這場戰爭!”
是啊,對於一個老兵而言這一切都是夢魘 Yeah, nothing's too good for a veteran 是啊,就像他們說的那樣 Yeah, this is what they say “我們不會從那裡得到什麼” So nothing is what they will get 打著所謂的新美國主義的旗號 In this new American way 我們被謊言欺騙下的所做所為 The lies we were told to get us to go 都是犯罪...所以,讓我們更直接一點吧! Were criminal ... let us be straight 讓我們再大聲一點直到我們的聲音被聽見吧 Let's get to the point where our voices get heard 我知道我要說什麼 And I know what I'll say 用我們的意志吶喊:“夠了,夠了!” With our minds, we're saying, 'No more!' 用我們的靈魂吶喊:“夠了,夠了!” With our hearts, we're saying, 'No more!' 用我們的生命吶喊:“夠了,夠了!” With our lives, we're saying, 'No more war!' 用我們的眼睛吶喊:“夠了,夠了!” With our eyes, we're saying, 'No more!' 讓我們聲嘶力竭 With our voices, we're saying, 'No more!' 用我們的身體的每一部分喊出:“夠了,我們受夠了這場戰爭! ” With our bodies, we're saying, 'No more war!' 別再無謂犧牲了
別再予取予求了 No more innocents dying 別再歌功頌德了 No more terrorizing 夠了 No more eulogizing 別再散佈福音了 No more 夠了 No more evangelizing 別在用你的謊言領導這個國家了 No more 我們受夠了這場戰爭 No more presidents lying 我們用意志吶喊:“夠了,夠了! ” No more war 我們用心靈吶喊:“夠了,夠了! ” With our minds, we're saying, 'No more!' 我們用生命吶喊;“夠了,夠了! ” With our hearts, we're saying, 'No more!' With our lives, we're saying, 'No more war!'