- 深藍兒童 勵志歌(氧,愛,安,Prod.Jae Exalted) 歌詞
- 深藍兒童
- 氧:
I can't wait for you no more So many things need to be done Bout to tell you them tears we drop Born to do it and we so sure 愛: 登頂沒道理極限沒到底跨越A到B rule 怎麼開導你練成battle king 始終拍到你fool 別再埋怨賺不來錢沒人幫你排解這個問題沒答案 自力更生你才能成功也不管聽見誰吶喊 其實不用管他們跟你說的大空話 基本的努力都不會你真的是飯桶嗎 倒不如放手一搏對得起這時光 反正你還有對沒折翼的翅膀 氧: Upper ground see more view How many people? There's a few It's a long trip, happiness and sorrow All of these can bring us brighter tomorrow Born to do it and we so sure 安: 1234 what u waiting for come back my babe 深藍帶隊通關you feel me 劉海跟大鍋蓋請注意 燥到你頭毛掉光變禿驢 別再當個吃瓜的摳腳大漢 穿上鞋踩上滑板 time to next floor 幹掉你老闆 before we die趁現在 斬斷過去多餘的凌亂 牛肉湯裡多放點蔥和蒜 不拘泥於外在的模仿崇拜 u ready? 1234 氧: I can't wait for you no more So many things need to be done Bout to tell you them tears we drop Born to do it and we so sure