- 約書亞樂團 讓聖靈工作 Let Your Spirit Move 歌詞
- 約書亞樂團
- 作詞:曹之懿、趙治德、金品齊、洪以琳
[Verse 1] 祢按手在我心上祝福我 Place Your hand upon my heart, blessing me 祢要我發出預言 You call me to prophesy 骸骨要復活 Dry bones come alive
[Verse 2] 我帶著信心宣告祢話語 With faith I am declaring Your word 祢向我發出邀請見證祢運行 You are inviting me to witness Your great works
[ Pre-Chorus] Your Spirit moves around 'round 'round Your glory goes around 'round 'round Your river flows around 'round 'round Your holiness is pouring down
[Chorus] 讓氣息流動 Breath of life, blow forth 讓聖靈工作 Let Your Spirit move 骨與骨聯絡因祢的手 Joint by joint connect , by Your strong hand 讓氣息流動 Breath of life, blow forth 讓聖靈工作 Let Your Spirit move 骸骨正復活為祢行走 Dry bones now revive, rise up for You
[Bridges] 因祢氣息枯骨甦醒 Where Your breath goes dry bones waken 來讚美讚美祢 To praise You, they praise You 踐踏死亡復活生命 Resurrection life tramples death 走進祢心意 Walk into Your will
因祢大能我們聚集 By Your great might we gather here 來敬拜敬拜祢 To worship, worship You 榮耀軍隊正在興起 Glorious army now arising 渴慕祢聖靈 Long for Your Spirit