- Steve Aoki the show 歌詞
- 林俊傑 Steve Aoki
- Oh yea
手捧一瓶紅酒我獨自坐在這 Sitting right here with the bottle of the red wine 任他們用我製作衝擊頭條的內容 Roll them notes and a reason for the headlines 我閉門不出早知當初就不該固執己見 Stayed at home should've listened for the first time 此刻我殷切期盼想要逆轉局勢 Oh I said I don't want to be like that, I don't want to be like that 多少深夜我告訴自己盡量放寬心來 Now I spend my time late nights looking like I don't care 我堅信彼岸會更美好不禁鬥志昂揚 And I get real high sometimes cause it's better up there 或許我該把握住重新登場的機會 Guess I'm getting on with the show 但不能沒有你的參與 But it ain't no good without you 我也不堪孤獨的折磨 I don't like being alone 只好與酒精為伴 So I 'm gonna go drink about ya 我會堅定自己的想法 And I will do what I want 追尋人潮湧去的方向 Follow the crowd 掙破前方所有的枷鎖 Tear it all down 或許我該再次登上人生的舞台 Guess I'm getting on with the show 但卻不能沒有你的存在 But it ain't no good without you 或許我該把握住重新登場的機會 Guess I'm getting on with the show 或許我該再次登上人生的舞台 Guess I'm getting on with the show 人生轉瞬即逝讓我與相識之人相距更遙遠 Life don't wait for anyone that I know 曾和惡魔共沉淪我出賣了靈魂 It's going down with the devil and I sold my soul 雖身處萬劫不復的境地但我會把握最終的機會 Think I'm done but I can never never let it go 我似乎已泯然眾人 And now I kinda feel like them 可我卻不甘淪落至此 I didn't want to be like them 多少深夜我告訴自己盡量放寬心來 Now I spend my time late nights looking like I don't care 我堅信彼岸會更美好不禁鬥志昂揚 And I get real high sometimes cause it's better up there 或許我該把握住重新登場的機會 Guess I' m getting on with the show 但若沒有你的參與 But it ain't no good without you 我也不堪孤獨的折磨 I don't like being alone 只好與酒精為伴 So I'm gonna go drink about ya 我會堅定自己的想法 And I will do what I want 追尋人潮湧去的方向 Follow the crowd 掙破前方所有的枷鎖 Tear it all down 或許我該再次登上人生的舞台 Guess I'm getting on with the show 但卻不能沒有你的存在 But it ain't no good without you 或許我該把握住重新登場的機會 Guess I'm getting on with the show 或許我該再次登上人生的舞台 Guess I'm getting on with the show 或許我該把握住重新登場的機會 Guess I'm getting on with the show 或許我該再次登上人生的舞台 Guess I'm getting on with the show 或許我該把握住重新登場的機會 Guess I'm getting on with the show
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