- Capper 怎樣 WSID 歌詞
- Capper
- 怎樣WSID
編曲: Young oz 混音母帶:張步若@RSS
Cyber bully what should I do? All alone what should I do? Stab back what should I do? Why would I stop? But what can you do? *2 WSID WSID WSID Why would I stop? But what can you do? *2
Dare I lose my cool What it is is what it is 你又說我只會騙騙妹 嗯那brobro你說的對 Hum 不對還能騙騙姐 還能高低要點臉 甚至還能稍微賺點錢 其實也就比你多一點
Unicon living 不是icon living 天生就不愛看私信 只愛看生活看我心情
Unicon living 不是icon living
關閉掉Iphone的提醒 白天數螞蟻晚上找星星man 我把時間拿來做賭注 給僵硬的韻腳做康復 在音軌上面去做手術科目 你工程像屠宰場 拿我當談資和話術 那我還是選擇不來往 闖下的禍你藏不住 So nerd why you hit and run?
Cyber bully what should I do? All alone what should I do? Stab back what should I do? Why would I stop? But what can you do? *2 WSID WSID WSID Why would I stop? But what can you do? *2
Stap on the new level Peeping the mirror I heard they said I'm man of the year 他們都在發傻瞎打字兒 我在加油加點加把勁兒 Build on ma GAG 要當大哥不當小弟兒 指間在她腰間遊蕩流暢 She like Dove on my verse hater又騷擾我手機在震動 咋個整能整咋個整騷整 哥們直接電話接起來跟他說稍等 哥們保持著高冷 隨便罵隨便嘲諷 閒蛋都愛吃老梗 還以為您是包拯
別在我衣櫃鬧騰 My closet dries van noten God told me Im chosen 祂親吻我的腦門 每當你在說唱著 好笑的像看相聲 在漆黑色鼓點上我像講故事的張震
If you are Jojo than I am dio 滿手的戒指it stands for Dior 我在刷油彩畫你在刷TikTok 藝術的細胞它是我的至交 在瘋狂中Sober它是我的癖好 空洞的皮囊吃精緻的飼料 She know it * 4 P.I.G man in the mirror
Cyber bully what should I do? All alone what should I do? Stab back what should I do? Why would I stop? But what can you do? *2 WSID WSID WSID Why would I stop? But what can you do? *2