- the gun song the ballad o FC ZOL go設置 歌詞 Marcus Olson Lyn Greene Patrick Cassidy John Jellison William Parry Terrence Mann Debra Monk Victor Garber Jonathan Hadary
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- Jonathan Hadary the gun song the ballad o FC ZOL go設置 歌詞
- Marcus Olson Lyn Greene Patrick Cassidy John Jellison William Parry Terrence Mann Debra Monk Victor Garber Jonathan Hadary
- It takes a lot of men to make a gun,
得要上百人才能做好一把槍, Hundreds, 上百—— Many men to make a gun: 人才能做好一把槍:
Men in the mines 鐵礦裡的人啊 To dig the iron 終日挖掘 Men in the mills 工廠裡的人啊 To forge the steel, 鍛造不歇 Men at machines 機器前的人啊 To turn the barrel, 翻轉槍管 Mold the trigger, 塑造著扳機 Shape the wheel- 將齒輪定型—— It takes a lot of men to make a gun... 得要上百人才能做成一支槍...... One gun... 一支槍......
And all you have to do 你要做的事只有 Is move you little finger, 動動你的小手 Move your little finger and- 輕捻你的指頭 You can change the world. 你就能改變世界
Why should you be blue 為什麼要悲傷 When you've you little finger? 至少你有雙小手 Prove how just a little finger 來證明你的指頭 Can change the world. 會怎麼改變世界
I hate this gun... 我恨這把槍......
What a wonder is a gun! 槍可真是個好東西! What a versatile invention! 真是個萬能的發明! First of all, when you've a gun- 首先,當你有了一把槍—— Everybody pays attention. 人人都會注意你
When you think what must be done, 當你覺得有什麼非做不可 Think of all that it can do: 想想槍能幫你做些什麼: Remove a scoundrel, 趕走一個惡棍 Unite a party, 團結一個黨派 Preserve the Union, 維繫我們的聯盟 Promote the sales of my book, 幫助我的著作熱銷 Insure my future, 擔保我的前程 My niche in history, 我的歷史地位 And then the world will see 世界將會知道 That I am not a man to overlook! 我這個人不可小瞧! Ha-ha! 哈(↓)哈(↑)~~~
And all you have to do 你要做的事只有 Is squeeze your little finger . 捏捏你的小手 Ease your little finger back- 鬆開你的指頭 You can change the world. 你就能改變世界
Whatever else is true, 隨便什麼是真理 You trust your little finger. 你相信你的小手 Just a single little finger 那小小的一根指頭 Can change the world. 也能改變世界
I got this really great gun- 我搞到了這把真正的好槍—— Shit, where is it? giao,它去哪兒啦? No, it's really great- 哦不,它真的是把好槍—— Wait- 等等——
Shit, where is it? giao,它找不到了 Anyway 不管怎樣 It's just a .38- 那隻是把點38口徑的—— But- 但—— It's a gun. 這可是把槍 You can make a statement- 你可以把黑的說成 Wrong- 白的—— With a gun- 只要有槍—— Even if you fail. 哪怕你失敗了
It tells 'em who you are 槍會告訴人們你是誰 Where you stand. 你的立場為何 This one was on sale. 這件正好在促銷 It- no not the shoe- 它——不,不是鞋子—— Well, actually the shoe was, too. 算了,鞋子也是打折貨,其實
No, that's not it- 哦不,這不是—— Shit, I had it here- giao,我確實放裡面了—— Got it! 找到了!
Yeah! There it is! And- 耶以!我有槍了!那——
All you have to do 你要做的事只有 Is crook your little finger, 勾勾你的小手 Hook your little finger 'round- 鉤住你的指頭——
Shit, I shot it... giao,我打出去了!
- You can change the world. ——你就能改變世界
Simply follow through, 跟著我這樣做 And look, your little finger 再看看你的小手 Can 就能 Slow them down 讓他們慢下來 To a crawl, 匐匍在地 Show them all , 把一切給他們展示 Big and small, 無論大事小事 It took a little finger 小小的指頭 No time 不需片刻就能 To change the world. 改變世界
A gun kills many men before it's done, 得有好多人死於這把槍 Hundreds, 上百—— Long before you shoot the gun: 人死去卻還沒等槍響 Men in the mines 鐵礦裡的人啊 And in the steel mills, 工廠裡的人啊 Men at machines, 機器前的人啊 Who died for what? 為什麼而死呢?
Something to buy- 為了一些待價而沽的東西—— A watch, a shoe, a gun, 一塊表、一雙鞋、一把槍 A thing to make the bosses richer, 一個讓老闆們更富的東西 But a gun claims many men before it's done... 但一把槍在做好前就要走了太多人的性命 Just 再多 One 一個 More.. 而已......
Czolgosz, 喬爾戈什 Working man, 是工人 Born in the middle of Michigan, 生在了中部密西根 Woke with a thought 有一天覺醒 And away he ran 去逃奔 To the Pan-American Exposition 跑到了泛美展覽會 In Buffalo, 在水牛城 In Buffalo. 在水牛城
Saw of a sudden 突然間看到了 How things were run, 世界運轉 Said, 'Time's a-wasting 他說,“時間不能浪費 It's nineteen-one. 這是1901年 Some men have everything 有人擁有一切 And some have none, 有人一無所有 So rise and shine- 那就往上爬—— In the U.S.A. 在這美利堅 You can work your way 你可以努力打拼 To the head of the line!' 直到達到頂端!”
Single line, ladies and gentlemen. Line forms here 女士們先生們,請排成一條隊列 to meet the President of the United States. Single 和總統先生見面的隊伍請往這邊排 line to shake hands with President William McKinley. 和總統威廉·麥克金利先生握手的隊伍請往這邊排
Czolgosz, 喬爾戈什 Quiet man, 不吭氣 Worked out a quiet 想到了簡單 And simple plan, 的好主意 Strolled of a morning 清晨去漫行 All spick and span, 換了身新衣 To the Temple Of Music 到了音樂殿 By the Tower Of Light 穿過了光之塔 At the Pan-American Exposition 就在泛美展覽會 In Buffalo, 在水牛城 In Buffalo. 在水牛城
Saw Bill McKinley there 看,比爾·麥克金利 In the sun. 在晴空下 Heard Bill McKinley say, 聽,比爾·麥克金利說 'Folks , have fun! “玩得開心! Some men have everything 有人功成名就 And some have none, 有人虛度年華 But that's just fine: 但別害怕: in the U.S.A. 在這美利堅 You can work your way 你可以努力拼搏 To the head of the line!' 爬上社會尖端! ”
Big Bill-! 大比爾-!
-Gave 'em a thrill. 鼓舞人心
Big Bill-! 大比爾-!
-Sold 'em a bill. 花言巧語
Big Bill-! 大比爾-!
-Who'd want to kill 誰會想殺掉 A man of good will 這樣的大好人 Like-? 呢-?
Big Bill! 大比爾!
Doesn't the President look Marvelous? 誰不說總統長得非同尋常呢? So round and prosperous! 多麼富態又圓潤呀!
Do you know what his favorite dish is? 你們知不知道他最喜歡吃什麼? It was in the paper. Beef. 報紙上都說啦,是牛肉
I'm told that in his spare time he enjoys 我可聽說他空閒時間喜歡 collecting coins! 收集硬幣!
Czolgosz, 喬爾戈什 Angry man, 生怒火 Said, 'I will do what 說,“我要替窮苦 A poor man can. 人報仇 Yes, and there's nowhere 是啊,沒有地方比這 More fitting than 更適合 In the Temple Of Music 在這音樂殿 By the Tower Of Light 挨著光之塔 Between the Fountain Of Abundance 在繁榮泉水 And the Court of Lilies 和百合庭院之間 At the great Pan-American Exposition 在這盛大的泛美博覽會 In Buffalo, 在水牛城 In Buffalo. 在水牛城
Wrapped him a handkerchief 一塊手帕裹住了 ' round his gun, 他的槍 Said, 'Nothin' wrong about 他說,“想做就做 What I done. 不要緊張 Some men have everything 有人霸占一切 And some have none- 有人身無分文 That's by design. 這都是人為的錯 The idea wasn't mine alone, 這麼想的不止有我 But mine, 只是我去做 And that's the sign: 何況早就有人說:
In the U.S.A. 在這美利堅 You can have your say, 你有發言權 You can set you goals 定下目標 And seize the day, 你能把握今天 You've been given the freedom 你已經擁有自由 To work your way 去開闢你的道路 To the head of the line- 擠到隊伍前端—— To the head of the line!' 擠到隊伍前端!”