- Taylor Swift Brought up that way 歌詞
- Taylor Swift
- Emily comes home from school
Emily 從學校回到家, Grabs onto her daddys hand 拉住她爸爸的手, He says, Baby girl, whats wrong with you? 他問她,'怎麼啦,寶貝女兒?' She says, Please dont make me go back there again 她說,“不要再讓我去學校了' She said, I wish there was someway to make them stop it. 她說,'我希望有個辦法可以讓他們不再那樣對我' So he drives down to that principles office 於是,他開車去了學校的辦事處, And says, I didnt bring her up so they could cut her down 他說,'我不是為了讓她受到傷害才把她送來學校的, I didnt bring her here so they could shut her out 我不是為了讓她不敢開口才讓她來上學的, Id live my whole damn life to see that little girl smile 我在這操蛋的世上努力生活就是為了看見那孩子臉上的微笑, So why are tears pouring down that sweet face? 所以為什麼眼淚會從她的臉上流下來? She wasnt brought up that way. 她沒有被這樣對待過!“ Emilys home late again Emily 又一次晚歸了, He sees that boy drive away 他看到那個男孩離開了, Oh but somethings different this time 但是這一次有點不同, She doesnt have too much to say 她並沒有多說什麼。 She said, He tried but theres just some things I wont do 她告訴爸爸,'他在追我,但是有些事情我就是不能做' And through the tears she said, I couldnt do that to you 伴著淚光閃爍,她說:“我會做你的乖女兒。” And he said, I didnt bring you up so he could wear you down 他說,'我不是為了讓他折磨你才把你養大, Take that innocent heart and turn it inside out 不是為了把你這顆天真的心變得渾濁, Id live my whole damn life to see my little girl smile 我努力的生活就是為了看到你的微笑。 So dont let nobody take that away 所以不要讓任何人把那份微笑帶走, You werent brought up that way. 你值得更好的。 ” The phone rings on a rainynight 下著雨的一天,電話鈴響了, Says, Its Officer Tate 電話裡說,'我是警官塔特' He said,Sir, theres been an accident 他說,'先生,這裡發生了一場意外事故, Youd better come down here right away 你最好馬上趕過來。 A drunken driver missed an overpass 醉酒的司機在立交橋上出了車禍, And Emily shes fading fast. Emily 現在傷的很重。 ” He says, God I didnt bring her up to watch them lay her down 他淚眼婆娑,“上帝啊,我不是為了讓她被帶走才把她養大, Nearly killed me the day they put her mama in the ground 她媽媽去世的那天,我已經幾乎要崩潰了, Only thing that kept me alive was that little girls smile 唯一讓我活下去的原因就是那孩子臉上的微笑。 So please dont take that away 求求你,不要帶走她 。 It wont be easy taking her today, she wasnt brought up that way. 她不會被這麼輕易帶走的,她不該被這樣對待...“ He stands over the hospital bed 他靜靜守在醫院的床邊, Emily opens her eyes Emily 慢慢的睜開了眼睛...