- Estazz Random Demo 歌詞
- Estazz
- 和往常一樣不知道醒來是幾點鐘
卻感覺如此陌生彷彿耳旁帶著風 起來照了照鏡子真的被自己嚇了一跳 我怎麼變得這麼帥以前從不知道 我走路像帶風不知該怎麼形容 街上的姑娘看到我都會很心動 脖子上光滿gold chain我都不覺得重 注定一出門就成為全世界的轟動 走在街上所有人都拿出手機對著我 他們看我的眼神就像是飛蛾看到火 從沒有過這種感覺大家都來圍著我 就像愛如潮水把乾枯的我緊緊包裹 我開始被關注開始登上銀幕 淘寶上熱賣著我的同款kitty內褲 不用再愁收入這種感覺so cool 也許和夢中的她遇見就在轉角處 I know you've seen me on the video (或許你聽過我的歌) I know you've heard me on the radio (或許你在銀幕上見過我) But you know I'm just another rodeo (但你知道我只不過是你追求者中的一個) I don't know there's a way that I could creep you though (我也不知道怎樣把你嚇跑) He's a slut, he's a ho, he's a freak you see (他們說我是個壞男孩) Got a different another girl every day his week (夜夜笙歌每天停不下來) It is cool, not try to rush you lovin' me (別擔心我不會強迫你喜歡我) Had to let you know that I've already love you deep (不過想讓你知道我已對你著迷) 每天不是在夜店就是混在club 隨便寫一首歌他們就叫我rapstar 總是坐在角落喝可樂或者啤酒 紅著眼睛盯著吧台穿最少的妞 我就是個playboy 他們都這麼說呢 仔細想想每個人真的都這麼說呢 他這樣的人怎麼會對感情認真的 一個rapper 怎麼會愛得那麼深呢 我依舊在那坐著打量著今晚貨色 陌生人圍繞在我身邊都在不停喝著 我假裝再喝野哥其實在喝cola 看他們全都醉了只剩我一個人sober 我就是沒有辦法沒法不盯著看著她 要她的家庭住址 想要送她回家 可否給我你的微信還有你的電話 我是一個好人絲毫沒有一點浮誇 I know you've seen me on the video (或許你聽過我的歌) I know you've heard me on the radio (或許你在銀幕上見過我) But you know I'm just another rodeo (但你知道我只不過是你追求者中的一個) I don't know there's a way that I could creep you though (我也不知道怎樣把你嚇跑) He's a slut, he's a ho, he's a freak you see (他們說我是個壞男孩) Got a different another girl every day his week (夜夜笙歌每天停不下來) It is cool, not try to rush you lovin' me (別擔心我不會強迫你喜歡我) Had to let you know that I've already love you deep (不過想讓你知道我已對你著迷) I am running away, leaving this place (我想逃離這裡) I don't wanna stay even for another day (一分一秒都等不及) lets go somewhere like we used to say (和我一起走吧) We got time to think what we should take (什麼都不用去考慮) 他們都是常溫可樂只有我為你加了冰 他們全是見色起意只有我對你動了心 在意你的表情心事不敢表明 在你面前總是不由自主的整理我的髮型 ya baby you should know we got that time (我的時間都屬於你) show me your secret honey please don't be shy (交換秘密不要再害羞) 不需要在乎明天和意外哪一個先來 只想沉醉在今夜get everything right 你的眼神好像對我開了窗 你的身上好像到處發著光 目光躲藏好吧其實都在裝 好像丘比特突然對我開了槍 I know you've seen me on the video (或許你聽過我的歌) I know you've heard me on the radio (或許你在銀幕上見過我) But you know I'm just another rodeo (但你知道我只不過是你追求者中的一個) I don't know there's a way that I could creep you though (我也不知道怎樣把你嚇跑) He's a slut, he's a ho, he's a freak you see (他們說我是個壞男孩) Got a different another girl every day his week (夜夜笙歌每天停不下來) It is cool , not try to rush you lovin' me (別擔心我不會強迫你喜歡我) Had to let you know that I've already love you deep