- Johnny Wright hello Vietnam 歌詞
- Johnny Wright
- Kiss me goodbye and write me while
與我吻別吧!要記得在我不在的日子裡寫信 I'm gone goodbye my sweetheart hello Vietnam 再見了,心上人!我即將奔赴越南戰場 America has heard the bugle call 戰鬥的號角已經傳遍了美國 And you know it involves us one and all 你知道的,在這場戰爭中任何人都無法獨善其身 I don't suppose that war will ever end 我明白這一切永無止盡 There's fighting that will break us up again 總會有下一場戰事會讓我們再次分離 Goodbye my darling hello 再見了,心上人!我即將投身越南戰爭 Vietnam a hill to take a battle to be won 攻克那裡的山巒,總是需要付出火的洗禮與血的代價 Kiss me goodbye and write me while 與我吻別吧!一定不要忘記給我寄信 I'm gone goodbye my sweetheart hello Vietnam 我即將與我的摯愛天各一方,踏上那片陌生的土地 A ship is waiting for us at the dock 軍艦已在碼頭整裝待發 America has trouble to be stopped 山姆大叔在東南亞遇上大麻煩了 We must stop communism in that land 我們一定要扼殺這風起雲湧的越南 Or freedom will start slipping through our hands 不然,自由就會悄悄地溜出我們的手掌心 Goodbye my darling 所以再見了,我的摯愛! I hope and pray someday the world will learn 我多麼渴望有一天全世界都能領悟 That fires we don't put out will bigger burn 若不滅星火,其必將燎原 We must save freedom now at any cost 今天,我們必須不惜一切代價捍衛自由 Or someday our own freedom will be lost 否則終有一天我們自己也將身陷囫圇 Kiss me goodbye and write me while I'm gone 與我吻別吧!我無窮的思念也只能寄託於薄薄的信紙 Goodbye my sweetheart Hello Vietnam 再見了,吾愛!你好,越南!