- Mura Masa Second 2 None 歌詞
- Mura Masa
- You broke my heart by stayin'
陪伴在旁我亦心如刀割 Under the Earth forsaken 虛偽的甜言蜜語和已不復存在的愛情 They broke my heart by meanin' 他們今晚的曖昧話語 All of the words they said this evenin' 一步步吞噬著我的不安內心 Outside the world is reachin' 燈紅酒綠的花花世界誘惑著你 None of me is engagin' 我卻希望我們能夠普普通通地戀愛一場 It broke my heart to see you 看著你為著快活一場蓄勢待發 So tall and ready in the early mornin' 我心碎腸斷 And what do they think they've done? 他們會怎麼看待他們所做之事? You'll never be second to them, you're second to none 你對所有人不過是個過客 And how can they think you've gone? 他們怎會以為你已離去不還? You'll never be second to them, you're second to none 你不過是過眼雲煙罷了 You said this world was fallin' 你說這個世界搖搖欲墜 Feet on the ground, then jumpin' 自甘墮入這深淵 It used to live all through you 我的生活曾點點滴滴都是你 This sense of hope, remorse of belonging 希望之感,歸屬之責 Rockin' my head right to you 抬頭仰仗你 Hard workers are still lied to 辛勤努力被謊言蒙蔽 My point sent back for your sake 我的想法被你的目的推翻 All I know more wishes to make 祈禱希望便是我所知 And what do they think they've done? 他們怎麼看待他們所做之事? You'll never be second to them, you're second to none 你對每個人只不過是個過客 And how can they think you've gone? 他們怎麼會認為你已離去不還? You'll never be second to them, you're second to none 你只不過是一個過客 You'll never be second to them, you're second to none 過眼雲煙 Second to them, you're... 備胎都說不上 You'll never be second to them, you're second to none 你對每個人都只是個過客 You'll never be second to them, you're second to none 過眼雲煙罷了