- The fin. Chains 歌詞
- The fin.
- Youve set a trap that keeps you safe
你在心門前設下重重陷阱 The shelter wont be found 誰也不能找到你的避難所 Hes got a chance to enter a maze 他卻找到了迷宮的入口 Its always sudden 如此措手不及 Youve been chasing after the moon 你追逐他如同追逐月亮 This world eats you up soon 痴迷的快要被這個世界吞噬 Hes gonna throw away an old coat 他施捨的舊外套 And weight on his shoulder 在你的肩上卻有如山的重量 Time outside flows on as always 時間一如既往慢慢流淌 You will leave marks 心臟依舊刺痛不已 Time outside flows on as always 盛年不重來 You will leave marks 你卻只想訴說美好的回憶 Youve set a trap that keeps you safe 你最後的掙扎 The crater in your words 是欲言又止 Hes gonna throw away an old coat 他離你而去毫無留戀的背影 And weight on your shoulder 是壓垮你的最後一根稻草 Time outside flows on as always 日復一日 You will leave marks 時間不曾為你停留片刻 Time outside flows on as always 日月既往 You will leave marks 卻不能癒合你的傷口 Time outside flows on as always 光陰荏苒 You will leave marks 你依舊站在原地 Time outside flows on as always 流光瞬息 You will leave marks 你卻只為月光駐足 There should have been chains for you 你試圖用枷鎖留下一抹余光 You lost it before you knew its glow 懊悔在黑夜降臨之前便摀住雙眼 Time outside flows on as always 斗轉星移 You will leave marks 你依舊望著夜空 Time outside flows on as always 呼吸之間 You will leave marks 你想念的是他的氣息 Time outside flows on as always 人生如夢 You will leave marks 你剩下的只有回憶 Time outside flows on as always 如曇花一現 You will leave marks 你也永遠無法將他找回