- EXO 嗜 (Obsession) 歌詞
- 編曲: Dem Jointz
將這循環終止 黑暗降臨世界變蒙昧 你又潛入心靈的暗湧 放大耳邊的纖微撩撥思維 輕笑著在慫恿 無盡私語將這夢境都摧毀 Oh you're the bad dream kill 不停爭吵不停呼召 言語觸角將我推向你深淵 由我承受I don' t think so 為什麼都在湧向我I don't think so 總想遮蔽真我I don't think so 試圖掩蓋什麼I don't think so 虛幻似夢魔I don't think so 別讓惡毒再結果I don't think so 永遠不要靠近我I don't think so Shut up and go away Thousand nights 已經厭倦的嗜好 伴生著的噩夢由我終結掉 當我熄滅exit light 當我熄滅exit light 就讓黑暗將你存在都抹消 受夠了 Ha 停止干涉 不停轟炸耳膜那些噪音Imma let it blow 感知都向它集中緊繃著every moment 失控的靈魂被你肆意地攪動 混沌的空氣中游離著 悄無聲息滲入肌膚the phantom I'm so sick and tired of it 渴望天亮後就能消除你痕跡 就只攻擊我I don't think so 為什麼都在湧向我I don't think so 深深嵌入骨骼I don't think so 想混淆真我I don't think so Take whatever I don't think so 不要打破沉默I don't think so 永遠別想控制我I don't think so 別再執著沉迷 Thousand nights 已經厭倦的嗜好 伴生著的噩夢由我終結掉 當我熄滅exit light 當我熄滅exit light 就讓黑暗將你存在都抹消 Blacken my heart Creepin' dark night Stainin' my soul 朦朧著眼前世界都變得異樣 它的氣息醒目而誇張 留下無主names on the ground 搖曳中再起舞tonight Say it what you like 所有的幸福都只存在 那些短暫回憶 到此為止就別再侵擾 Forget everything yeah 由我承受I don't think so 為什麼都在湧向我I don't think so 總想遮蔽真我I don't think so 試圖掩蓋什麼I don't think so 虛幻似夢魔I don't think so 別讓惡毒再結果I don' t think so 永遠不要靠近我I don't think so Shut up and go away Thousand nights 已經厭倦的嗜好 伴生著的噩夢由我終結掉 當我熄滅exit light 當我熄滅exit light 就讓黑暗將你存在都抹消 One night 黑暗之中卻看到 纏繞在我身後影子的全貌 閃爍著的exit light 閃爍著的exit light 照亮錯愕映在鏡中那個我 拜託吧消失掉 別再 循環別再開始