- TOY Make It Mine 歌詞
- Tracks are forming out of dust
塵埃形成的軌跡 Never shown, already lost 未曾顯現卻已消失無踪 I will find a way to tell 我會找到訴說的途徑 I will make it mine 我終將得到它 There's nothing else I'm drawn to 已經沒有什麼可以讓我沉溺的了 Something's cracking from within 在隨風而來的叫喊聲中 Screaming with the wind 有什麼正在破裂 It's all I'm ever drawn to 這都是我曾經沉迷的啊 Doors are closing , move ahead 大門緊閉,一往無前 Shake the noise inside your head 擺脫腦海中的噪音 I will find a way to tell you 有朝一日我會設法告訴你 I will make it mine 我終將得到它 There's nothing else I'm drawn to 已經沒有什麼可以讓我沉溺的了 Something's cracking from within 在隨風而來的叫喊聲中 Screaming with the wind 有什麼正在破裂 It's all I'm ever drawn to 這都是我曾經沉迷的啊 Just try taking from yourself a piece of you for no one else 不為了誰,試著將自己的一部分抽離 Signals streaming out of phase, repeat the patterns on your face 異相的信號流重現你的面容