- MelodyC2E 奴隸(英文版)(翻自 Jony J) 歌詞
- 林墨泉 MelodyC2E
- 奴隸
The Enslaved 英文詞:林墨泉陳路雲
They say young man you gotta make efforts 他們說年輕人要努力 And you gotta endeavor 要多去想點主意 Whatever you wanna do, don't fight against money never 他們勸你怎麼都好就是別去跟錢賭氣 Don't stay at home hiding away from pressure 別再呆在家裡愁被壓力壓扁頭 You gotta fawn on others if you wanna earn your bread and butter 想混口飯就乖乖跟人屁股後頭刮點油 The golden key is here , the world gotta revolve around her 萬能的開門磚滿世界都圍著轉 To keep your pocket full, go get your paper piled up 你要把鈔票堆成山至少家裡塞一半 How much do you want? Enough in afterlife to squander 那怎麼才叫賺到夠他說要賺夠來世用的 Except for dollars, the else is only a daydream cuz... 說除了口袋裝的其他都是白日夢 Welfare is only there for fortune keepers 你別不服氣有錢的才有福利 Out there you're used to getting exploited by the reapers 被牽著鼻子走也心甘情願當個奴隸 And Im thinking and thinking and thinking about it 追名逐利肝腦塗地動著腦筋 What's coming out through my mouth? How's it? 要把話說的好聽 I wonder, if someone is insulted. 還要服從錢的每個指令活著就得小心 Well get the project if everyones in their outfits 臉色要看得準,什麼事都辦的穩 Dignity of yours? Damn thats helpless 他問你尊嚴能值幾個錢你幹嘛站著等 All we do is bow down and say yes 還不就是點個頭不就是哈個腰 To run away with money, stab in the back, I guess 不就是拿了錢就跑頂多在背後插個刀
Who's got the bill, and who's stuck with the ill 誰年少多金誰年少多病 Who's telling bitter stories so TV could sell 誰在電視上比著誰更不幸 Who's out there to be the most cruel as well 不幸的人又比著誰更無情 Saying fate is fatal, reality is real 說由不得心說這叫做命 Those who fought back didnt take that and gotjudged to be mind wrecked mic check theyre hijacked by people on apps 看反抗過命的人總是被定了論被人說病的深得道成仙 He opened up the door and got us a chance , man 他打開了新的門再看你敬的神,man Look what God youre praying for there 沒帶你離開過人間
Some show off what they' ve got, while some want even more 有種人喜歡炫耀有種人不甘心 Some talk nonsense while some never get bored 有種人胡說八道還有種人喜歡聽 Some would do whatever it takes to get what they adore 有種人為了發財什麼臟活都能幹 Money rains from above, you'd better close the door 夢想就是在家數錢最好不用出門賺 Somebody said a lotta lies though 還有種人不在乎為錢說了多少謊話 Counting black dough on the bed she lied oh naked 有種人收著黑心錢有種人脫光躺下 Messing with the family with masks on their faces 有種人臉都不要為錢跟家里胡鬧 Milk powder oughta be outta poisonous basis 有種人賺著奶粉錢卻賣著毒藥 Some blame their family cuz humiliated by poverty 有種人覺得家裡沒錢讓他特別丟臉 Inside or outside? To be or not to be? 要面子要理子卻沒辦法兩者都選 Forget morality, get back to the reality 就只好違背良心低聲下氣 Money rules everything, its life academy 只為賺取更多黃金真心話說給牆聽 Thought you hit the jackpot, you stepped up, wanted to wrap her 像老虎機在連吃必須不間斷投幣 Too young too naive, thinking you could be the rapper 都很傻很天真覺得會贏這場遊戲 Submitted to reality, ended up in the slammer 最後卻像個奴隸在世俗監獄服役 Endeavor or surrender, but you ain't got no better 拿不起放不下有面子卻沒骨氣
Who's got the bill, and who's stuck with the ill 誰年少多金誰年少多病 Who's telling bitter stories so TV could sell 誰在電視上比著誰更不幸 Who's out there to be the most cruel as well 不幸的人又比著誰更無情 Saying fate is fatal, realityis real 說由不得心說這叫做命 Those who fought back didnt take that and got judged to be mind wrecked mic check theyre hijacked by people on apps 看反抗過命的人總是被定了論被人說病的深得道成仙 He opened up the door and got us a chance, man 他打開了新的門再看你敬的神,man Look what God youre praying for there 沒帶你離開過人間