- HtwoZ 就讓夜幕降臨月亮在我後面追 歌詞
- ECHO HtwoZ
- oh隨太陽潮起潮落
l riding with my angle en透過樹蔭下的斑駁
takeoff all my burden this night i wanna be the woman in the this night to those worried i'm sorry such a big suprise imagine i'm goodguy
Put on my eyemakeup best shine and that one look ****up so baby let's stole a broken car then drive
打開引擎蓋put my cashinside 後備全部裝滿wine nowhere can hide oh please tear off the maps we don't need direction just ****ing drive
就讓夜幕降臨月亮在我後面追 所有紅燈亮起他們全部都倒退 baby I don't want that bullshit you talk to 閉上嘴吧let's drive to the dreamzone
毫無顧慮搖下所有的窗口然後再也不回頭往下墜 迎面吹過的風打開我的內心雙眸今天要放縱不管錯與對
l have nothing to lose 就算這行程跌跌撞撞但我義無反顧 空蕩的雨夜馳騁在暮色山谷 未知的隧道沖出而不是等待著謝幕 we go flex driving 像在閃爍的水晶 坐副駕駛的她今天打扮的依舊sexy 交響樂沒法暫停我右手拿著北冰洋向著內心那個方向 一腳踩到底沒什麼多餘的你對我有的偏見都是多餘的
就讓夜幕降臨月亮在我後面追 所有紅燈亮起他們全部都倒退 baby I don't want that bullshit you talk to 閉上嘴吧let's drive to the dreamzone
毫無顧慮搖下所有的窗口然後再也不回頭往下墜 迎面吹過的風打開我的內心雙眸今天要放縱不管錯與對 直到我看見霓虹和地平的界限 光也沒什麼區別 直到流星許願也不會兌現的諾言 那就拋棄在路邊 忘掉爭分奪秒我只想要為我自己尋找 I don't wanna go back 就讓我睡在無人的群島
oh隨太陽潮起潮落 l riding with my angle en透過樹蔭下的斑駁