- Rezonate Canvas 歌詞
- Rezonate
- Tuning out of starlight the innocent lifetime flickers
向死而生的生命如同星光閃爍著 And flashes under a canvas, no 巨大的幕布之下閃爍著明滅光芒 Nobody seems worth it , while the feeling's sophisticated. 它獨一無二無可般配這份感情錯綜複雜 The view is so restrained 視野狹隘 The past is nearing closer and closer I fear. 我所恐懼的曾經步步逼近 So let's just cut the ******** and tell me who's independent 廢話什麼的就此停住吧告訴我有誰仍是孑然一身 Thumbs twiddling and your life's escaping your mind. 你無所事事任由當下與你心之所向背道而馳 Keep in mind, that the air ain't as free as it used to be 請記住天空已不再是它曾經的模樣 But that's quite alright when you're still eighteen 但十八歲的你讓它們看起來也並沒有那麼糟 It seems to be 大抵如此吧 And I'll tell you who's overrated. 我會讓你認清究竟是誰被高估了 What's a beautiful person with some hideous dreams? 語笑嫣然的人竟懷有如此低劣的夢想 While the lining isn't silver 生命漸漸失去光澤 We're verging on the side of the road that'll take us home. 我們正靠近那條指引我們歸家的路
我們逐漸埋沒於黯淡之中 The edge of us getting late 我在當地的報紙上讀到了你讀到了你的生活 Read about your life in your local papers 突然發覺與你的路快到盡頭 Realize the end of us is getting near 你不過是一滴油漆從帆布上緩緩滾落 You're just a droplet of paint trickled off your canvas. 精神錯亂的幻覺回流到繽紛的流水中 Delirious illusion flow back into the river of color 那被我們所分析而嘗試使一切清晰的流水 Where we analyze to try to see it clearer 悄悄地吸引著迷人的囚犯 Secretly appealing to a lonely prisoner 如今你的願景又是否更改 And now what's your vision? 點燃你心中的羞恥讓它的火花與宇宙共存 Initiate your shame and bring the universe together 隨著時間的推移它只會變得更容易一點地被接受 In time it only gets a little easier 而今突然你的每一塊碎片都被拼湊起來了 Suddenly piece yourself back together now 那麼你的願景究竟是什麼 So, what's your vision? 我不願落到那般地步置身於悲哀中
關於你或是關於你的禁忌的那份悲哀 And I don't want to have to give a damn 畢竟 About you or your inhibitions 你是教會我愛與被愛的人獨一無二 And after all 在光的指引之下我開始重新審視這個世界 You're the one you told me you love, was not for everybody 可它依舊朦朧灰暗 However, I'm starting to see this world in the right light 你看吧這個世界就像是一個簡陋的交響樂團或是一副不夠出彩的畫又或是其他什麼的 But it still gets darker 它彷彿一條小路無限延伸 You see, it's just a simple symphony, or a painting, whatever 我的世界搖搖欲墜我將讓它全盤崩塌墜入深淵 It's a natural path, expands infinitely 盛夏來臨之時我的世界便不復存在 But my world is crumbling, I'll let it collapse into the abyss 如此空虛不過是白紙一張 In the midst of summer it won't exist 等待著哪位畫家介入這份空白勾勒創作 This emptiness, it's just a blank slate 世界紛繁我又如何得知呢 Waiting for a painter to interfere. It's quite complex, but what do I know?