- 周凱翔 Morning Call 歌詞
- 周凱翔
- 製作:LLYA
廠牌:A.Z.M.P Written by:Allen Chou Music Arrangement:LLYA Mixing/Producer:LLYA Label:A.Z.M.P Wake up in the morning I'm missing you 睡眼惺忪等待著Dream come true Wake up in the morning I'm missing you 睜開雙眼腦海倒帶only you Pretty girl I say I love you so you please don 't go everyday morning call 24 7在你左右 通常在你身旁胸膛抵擋現實荒涼 帶你進入夢鄉只有星空美景夜的天堂 Pretty girl 昨夜的憂傷煩惱通通let it go 跟我走You never be alone 和你磕磕絆絆前往滴滴答答延長 爭吵過後的下個路口依舊是你的肩膀 Morning call 你是我的Pretty girl 跟我走Here we go Morning call pretty girl Morning call pretty girl Morning call 你是我的Pretty girl 跟我走Here we go Morning call pretty girl Morning call pretty girl One step two step 一步兩步三步半 泥濘坎坷的路難免煙霧瀰漫難判斷 穿過每條大街小巷雨過晴天的每個早上 東西南岸港口燈塔點亮愛的想像 想開始過濾酸甜苦辣中的苦澀 I want be your sugar sugar 想停止無休止的爭吵庸人自擾 Baby you are my trouble maker Alright 你是trouble maker Make trouble Everyday 貼著耳邊輕聲細語是愛你的分貝 Babe how is going on Babe how is going on Babe how is going on 為你日夜Hustle Hustle 24 7費心力 Keep working跟生活Battle不留餘力賺金幣 句句Punchline爆金句保護你不費吹灰之力 綠野仙踪三萬里有我追隨你都可以放心去Baby Morning call 你是我的Pretty girl 跟我走Here we go Morning call pretty girl Morning call pretty girl Morning call 你是我的Pretty girl 跟我走Here we go Morning call pretty girl Morning call pretty girl Wake up in the morning I'm missing you 睡眼惺忪等待著Dream come true Wake up in the morning I'm missing you 睜開雙眼腦海倒帶only you Wake up in the morning I'm missing you 睡眼惺忪等待著Dream come true Wake up in the morning I'm missing you 睜開雙眼腦海倒帶only you Morning call 你是我的Pretty girl 跟我走Here we go Morning call pretty girl Morning call pretty girl Morning call 你是我的Pretty girl 跟我走Here we go Morning call pretty girl Morning call pretty girl