- Smash Into Pieces All Eyes on You 歌詞
- Smash Into Pieces
- Killer for hire, soldier of fortune
亡命天涯出錢幹事 Gotta walk through fire for what's important 但為心中正義刀山火海也在所不辭 And the warrior's blood through your veins is coursing 血脈賁張戰意高漲 Killer for hire, soldier of fortune 四海為家賞金為生 The whole world's watching every move 世界危在旦夕 Take your shot don't act a fool 沉穩規劃迅捷出擊 All you've got and all you'll ever need 來一場生命的俄羅斯輪盤賭 Is one bullet in the chamber 你可有這般勇氣? Breathe easy take your aim boy 放空思緒 Ain't nobody gonna save you 孤軍奮戰 退無可退 So what you gonna do 你將作何反應? All eyes on you 世界聚焦於你 One bullet in the chamber 子彈上膛 Breathe easy take your aim boy 機不可失時不再來 Ain' t nobody gonna save you 一步著錯萬劫不復 So what you gonna do 如何對敵? All eyes on you 到你的回合了 Do or die, you're a mercenary 不過一介傭兵 One of a kind, that's your burden to carry 雖恪守原則寸步不讓卻是刀口舔血自找苦吃 Go and make them proud do what's necessary 為達目的行必要之惡 Oh no, do or die, you're a mercenary 說到底不過一介傭兵罷了 Now the whole world's watching every move 敵人步步緊逼 Take your shot don't act a fool 抖擻精神備好彈藥 All you've got and all you'll ever need 準備萬全只需 Is one bullet in the chamber 扣下扳機 Breathe easy take your aim boy 屏息瞄準守株待兔 Ain't nobody gonna save you 孤狼死鬥 So what you gonna do 你將作何反應? All eyes on you 四面楚歌! One bullet in the chamber 戰鬥一觸即發 Breathe easy take your aim boy 放平心態謹慎行動 Ain't nobody gonna save you 背水一戰 So what you gonna do 你將作何選擇? All eyes on you 屈辱投降 抑或奮戰到底? Now the whole world's watching every move 敵人步步緊逼彈藥所剩無幾 Still your heart so much to prove 心中信念卻越發堅定 Fight for all the things that you believe in 我將為世間之美好而戰! Now the whole world's watching every move 縱使世界與我為敵 Take your shot don't act a fool 我也將一笑置之挺身而出 All you've got and all you'll ever need 所需僅要 One bullet in the chamber 熱血一腔 Is one bullet in the chamber 鬥志昂揚 Breathe easy take your aim boy 目標明確雜念全無 Ain't nobody gonna save you 即使深陷重圍 So what you gonna do 哪怕插翅難飛 All eyes on you 我也要不擇手段地前進! One bullet in the chamber 哪怕戰至最後一槍一彈 Breathe easy take your aim boy 也要燃燒生命直至最後一刻 Ain't nobody gonna save you 縱使無人緬懷但 So what you gonna do 羅克薩特先生, All eyes on you 我們仍在前進。