- Iron & Wine Homeward, These Shoes 歌詞
- Iron & Wine
- Homeward, the new road meanders
踏上回家的旅途新建的小路迂迴蜿蜒 Washed out, the old road asks, 'What did I bring?' 那條顏色斑駁的老路問到”我帶來了什麼呢“ Flowers, a verse about springtime 花朵嗎還是關於春天的一首小詩呢 Perchance, in the tree line, she's waiting for me 有沒有可能她正在森林的交界等著我歸來呢 Homeward, these shoes worn to paper 通往家鄉的路途呀我腳上的鞋子都磨成了紙 Thin as the reason I left here so young 它們很薄淺薄的就像我年少時離開這裡的原因 Homeward, and what if I see her 我踏上了歸路如果看見她我該怎麼辦呢 There in the doorway I walked away from? 若是在門前相遇我該走開嗎? White house asleep on the hillside 白色的屋子在山丘上沉沉地睡著 Firm as a habit I struggle to shed 穩固的就像我那一直努力去擺脫的習慣 Homeward with heaven above me 我要回家了天堂就在我之上 Old road behind me, door up ahead 身後是老舊的路眼前是思緒裡的門