- Busdriver NoBlacksNoJewsNoAsians 歌詞
- Busdriver
- Number twenty-five the two-party systemic failure override button
No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number twenty-four the Soviet Re-Union eight-by-tens No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number twenty-three the nougat-filled Winston Churchill figurine No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number twenty-two the sex offender Google map coordinates No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number twenty-one the regurgitated placenta slushie Number twenty the amethyst valkyrie strap-on studs Number nineteen the Applebee's coupon hole puncher No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number eighteen the economic growth median death rattle ringtone No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number seventeen the marginalized person of color potential cupholder Number sixteen the audible fellatio slobbering of a special-interest groupie (Don' t let them know what they've done Applaud them, make them feel comfortable Be quiet Silence is golden/) Number fifteen the reasoning behind the reasoning behind No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number fourteen the do yourself in image award woody No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number thirteen the astrophysical from Dr. Vacusuck of Gland Farms Limited No blacks, no Jews , no Asians Number twelve the small intestines slinky of the underfed No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number eleven the Birth of a Nation remake Disney pitch No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number ten the mulatto baby garbage disposal No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number nine the two-for-one white supremacy pro-military packet No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Number eight the Tea Party rally cardboard cut-out head count No blacks, no Jews, no Asians Numbers seven through one, that's your work week