- 約書亞樂團 還有更多(There Is More) 歌詞
- 約書亞樂團
- 作詞:趙治德、李宛叡、璽恩SiEnVanessa
在祢的眼神裡我看見不一樣的自己 再也不必憂慮擔心祢應許賜我勇氣 我領受祢的聖靈牽引我帶著祢能力 內心充滿無比(的) 盼望每一天與祢同行 喔~~ 全都因為~祢的愛每一天都翹嗨嗨 喔~ 祢愛讓我停不下來挖掘祢更深的同在 祢告訴我還會有更多恩典如此廣闊 宣告耶穌之名就現在放膽開口 你告訴我還會有更多一層一層穿透 每場爭戰堅定的依靠就能勝過
還有更多(There Is More)
詞:趙治德Samuel Chao、李宛叡Rayya Li、璽恩SiEnVanessa 曲:趙治德Samuel Chao、李宛叡Rayya Li、璽恩SiEnVanessa English lyrics translated by Joy Sung
[Verse 1] 在祢的眼神裡我看見不一樣的自己 Now I see inside Your eyes there's a very different me 再也不必憂慮擔心祢應許賜我勇氣 There's no fear or worry here, 'Cuz Your promise sets me free
[Verse 2] 我領受祢的聖靈牽引我帶著祢能力 Holy Spirit come and lead me on, You're the strength within me 內心充滿無比的盼望每一天與你同行 Hope's alive now inside my heart, every day I'll walk with You
[Pre-chorus] 喔~~ Oh~~ 全都因為~祢的愛每一天都笑咍咍 Your love is my everything, everyday I'm smiling bright 喔~ Oh~ 祢愛讓我停不下來挖掘祢更深的同在 Falling in head over feet, in Your love I'm going deep
[Chorus] 祢告訴我還會有更多恩典如此廣闊 There is more, that's what You have promised, grace runs limitlessly 宣告耶穌之名就現在放膽開口 Shout aloud the name of Jesus, right here, right now 祢告訴我還會有更多一層一層穿透 There is more, that's what You have promised, there's no end to Your love 每場爭戰堅定的依靠就能勝過 I will trust that You'll win the battle fighting for me