- Charlie Brennan Love Like This 歌詞
- Charlie Brennan
- Baby you're not mine
親愛的你並不歸屬於我 And I know it takes time 不知這一切還需多久 But how long can you keep me waiting? 你還要我等候到何時 Memories pass by 記憶碎片凌亂紛飛 Stuck inside my mind 深陷於腦海何等難忘 Gotta stop being my everything 別再成為我的全世界了 But you're gone too soon 你就這樣讓我的世界分崩離析 Don't let you see me crying in the other room 不願讓你看見我失聲痛哭 I can't take it like this 我真的難以承受 Loving you is like a runaway train 淪陷於你就似一列失控火車般瘋狂 Could jump off the tracks - we'll make it again 能否跳下輕軌-你我重歸於好 Our love is like a fire 我們的愛意似慾火般肆虐蔓延 Then it goes out 卻悄聲無息地灼盡 You can light it again, but it won't be the same 舊愛之火也可複燃可早已物是人非 Some people say ignorance is bliss 有人說傻人有傻福 I don't want a love like this (no, no, no) 可我不願要這飛蛾撲火般的愛(不不不) Don't leave me like this now 別再抽離我的世界了 You're distant I don't know how 不知為何你這樣陌生 Do you even think of me? 你可曾惦念過我 'Cause I think of those times 舊憶那段美妙時光 You're body on top of mine 你我曾如膠似漆 Now you're playing like you never knew me 可如今卻翻臉不認人成了負心之人 But you're gone too soon 你就這樣讓我的世界分崩離析 Don't let you see me crying in the other room 不願讓你看見我失聲痛哭 I can't take it like this 我真的難以承受 Loving you is like a runaway train 淪陷於你就似一列失控火車般瘋狂 Could jump off the tracks - we'll make it again 能否從輕軌跳下-你我重歸於好 Our love is like a fire 我們的愛意似慾火肆虐蔓延 Then it goes out 卻悄無聲息地灼盡 You can light it again, but it won 't be the same 舊愛之火本可複燃可早已物是人非 Some people say ignorance is bliss 有人說傻人有傻福 I don't want a love like this (no, no, no) 可我不願要這飛蛾撲火般的愛(不不不) But you're gone too soon 你就這樣讓我的世界化為灰燼 Don 't let you see me crying in the other room 不願讓你看見我撕心裂肺 I can't take it like this 我真的難以熬過 Loving you is like a runaway train 淪陷於你就似一列失控火車般瘋狂 Could jump off the tracks - we'll make it again 能否跳下輕軌-你我回歸最初 Our love is like a fire 我們的愛意似慾火般肆虐蔓延 Then it goes out 卻悄然無息地灼盡 You can light it again, but it won't be the same 舊愛之火本可複燃可早已物是人非 Some people say ignorance is bliss 有人說傻人有傻福啊 I don't want a love like this ( no, no, no) 可我寧願不要這曾讓我心碎的愛啊(不不不)