- Jaden fallen (electric) 歌詞
- Jaden
- Take me to the truth
帶我離開虛浮的表面 Take me home with you 帶我和你一起回到原點吧 You know what to do 我想你應該知道怎麼做 Change my taste in music 再改變我對音樂的品味吧 Summer's coming to the end 夏日將盡美好又將流逝 We should know, we should know 我們都明白這個事實 Summer's coming to the end 艷陽將逝往日時光不復 We should know, we should know 我們都清楚一切終將結束 Summer's coming to the— 黃昏落幕回憶終將消散 We should know, we should know 我們都無法將其挽留 Summer's coming to the— 回憶終將消散 We should— 女孩就請你帶我 Take me to the moon 奔向那一輪皎潔的明月離開不堪的現實吧 Take me home with you 一起回到我們最初的起點吧 You know what to do 你知道如何做到這些的女孩 I'll find my way to you 萬水千山咫尺千里我都會追尋你的軌跡跟上你的步伐
想與你駕著飛車乘著落日一起消失在無邊的天際 Faded in the sky on a limousine ride 帶上你一起逃離一切都會安然無恙 I' ma leave home, I'ma be alright 伴隨我一起遠行狂風呼嘯也無法阻擋 I'ma leave home, I'ma be alright 只要你在我身邊我們永遠不會迷茫 I'ma leave home, I'ma be alright 想與你駕著飛車乘著落日一起消失在無邊的天際 Faded in the sky on a limousine ride 伴隨我一起遠行狂風呼嘯也無法阻擋 I'ma leave home, I'ma be alright 帶上你一起逃離一切都會安然無恙 I'ma leave home, I'ma be alright 但我們已離起點太遠再也不能回到原來的模樣 I left home but I'm not alright no 在何時我們之間出現了縫隙最後也難逃分離
多想讓破鏡重圓卻又無能為力 Where did we go wrong 你就像天上的璀璨明星可望而又不可及 I need you in my arms 我像是追逐你而去的火箭深陷蒼穹難以逃離 You were right above the stars 但我對你說的一字一句全是我的真情 You're all just broken hearts 你的一顰一笑一舉一動都讓我為之而陷落 I won't lie to you 當璀璨明星離我越來越近時我也能與你遇見了 My pride dies with you 因為我已深陷蒼穹皓月為伴但那燦爛星光也近在咫尺 Girl I'll see you soon 在無盡深空中飄蕩在浩瀚宇宙中漫遊在寂靜蒼穹中迷失在無際黑暗中陷落 'Cause I've been on themoon 但為了向你靠近這一切全都值得 Girl I float alone in the sky 有些時候我會厭倦討厭周遭的一切(下段為ERYS人格不再是迷失在感情中的SYRE人格) But that's alright 甚至不敢相信他們說我所做到的但我現在像個風生水起的搖滾明星 Sometimes I don't wanna love you 豪車到手總是絕塵而去捲起一片塵土(杰羅尼莫印第安武士美國傘兵中勇氣和智慧的代名詞)
年紀雖小可做到了一切把可能都變為現實(Kim Possible 美國動畫片名) Can't believe they tried to say it now I rock 'n roll 在你眼中我只是一個男孩但內心卻狂野如猛獸 Got a new whip we gotta go geronimo 我的成就將讓我永垂不朽而我的對手卻難於我匹敵 Do it all and you call me Kim Possible 就讓對手放馬過來我照樣能以一敵十 Your boy Jaden's not human, he is an animal 受點小傷不算什麼不用多久我就能恢復狀態 I could go forever, they ain't got the stamina 你被幾件小事難住就覺得難以喘息再看我就算再多困難我都輕鬆料理 **** security you bring 'em all I can handle 'em 躁翻派對結束之後再來幾張酷炫抓拍 I lost some teeth but baby girl I got some bandages 進了局子別忘了這可是我的地盤 Think you stressed but damn, think about my management 現在我的事業如日中天得到不少也失去不少抱歉爸爸媽媽我沒達到你們的期望 How about over at the party I prolly **** the cameras up 問我為什麼那麼粗心失去了那麼多但其實不然 Going to jail, ***** forgot you was in Paris 是那閃光燈蒙蔽了我的雙眼 I'm so ****** up, I'm sorry for my parents 虛情假意的讚美空無實際的幻想遏制了我的腳步 They all asked me why you so careless 烈酒一杯接一杯下肚這樣下去我又能在現實裡待多久
用盡我的全力去粉碎這些虛假的表面 It's cause of the static lights 但無奈推杯換盞間我在這其中越陷越深 Paradise, gotta fantasize 不切實際的幻想虛情假意的讚美謊言與陷阱佈滿我的周圍 I can't survive, Whiskey on the rocks 烈酒一杯接一杯下肚想要分清真假又要有多難 On the bus, I jut wanna hit 'em with all of us 這一切從未消停一天一天吞噬著我 Whiskey on the rocks 他們只是不想讓我登上山峰不想看我取得成功罷了 Fantasize, a simple paradise, girl fantasize 都說天才容易迷失隕落但抱歉我的實力與才華只會讓我越走越遠我永遠不會墜落(FALLEN) I can't survive, oh Whiskey on the rocks On the rise They don't want me there with all of us They told me I won't go too far in life