- CL Deacon Blu 歌詞
- CL
無法把握生活呈現的點滴 You cant control what life presents you 繼續前進吧,總有天你能熬過來 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 有的時候,我們是會很盲目 And at times, yea we've all played the fool 拍拍身上的灰塵,扮演好你自己 Dust yourself off and just do you 勇往前行吧,哥們,你肯定能行 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 夢想定高些,保持真本色 Set your goals high be sure to stay true 故事起於74年5月30號 It all started 5/30/74 我誕生在這世上,一切都新鮮 I came into this world I was wanting more 沒錯,老媽顧家,老爸有份工 Yea mom stayed home dad had a j.o.b 但是在蓋恩斯維爾的收入並不足以養活一家子 But even in G ville man it wasn't enough cheese 所以我們開著搬家車,速度95邁一路直抵紐約長島,當時的我就5歲 So we packed a Uhaul, hit 95, up to NY, LI, when I was about 5 過了十個月,我爸離婚飛去了洛杉磯 10 months to the day my dad broke out to f LA 媽媽和我住在一間單臥的公寓裡 and mom and I stayed in a one bedroom apartment 第一天上學沒有爸爸陪 no dad on the first day of school 媽媽不得不工作維持生計 mom had to work a job just to buy food 感謝上帝,外公還會來探望下 thank god for pop pop always stopping by 媽媽的自尊心再強也得需要幫助 mom had pride but needed help just to get by 爸爸離開的那個月,我每晚都以淚洗臉 I cried every night for months when my father left 回首過往,確實沒有什麼能做的 Looking back yea man yo it's for the best 得放下過去,把這些記錄在紙上吧 I had to put this down on paper for me to use 這就是CL,生活在deacon blue尚在的時期 CL, and the history of deacon blue 無法把握生活呈現的點滴 You cant control what life presents you 繼續前進吧,總有天你能熬過來 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 有的時候,我們是會很盲目 And at times, yea we've all played the fool 拍拍身上的灰塵,扮演好你自己 Dust yourself off and justdo you 勇往前行吧,哥們,你肯定能行 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 夢想定高些,保持真本色 Set your goals high be sure to stay true 現在我長大成人,有了自己的家庭 Now im a grown man with a family of my own 就算走到今天,我還是得走漫漫長路 To get to where im at it's a long road im still on 積極進取是我堅持的動力 Motivated is how I got here today 愣頭愣腦的我,也給自己鋪好了出路 Knuckleheaded, yea man I paved my own way 該接受建議的時候,我誰也不聽 I listened to no one when I should've take advice 當我結了婚倒是變得順從了 Went back to school when I was a dad with a wife 朝九晚五,有人說這就是職業 Held a 9 to 5, some called it a career 要不是有媽媽和EJ我也許不會站在這裡 If it wasn't for mom and EJ I probably wouldn't be here 越老越智慧,看開了很多東西 Age old wisdom, things I could've seen 現在我也管不著曾經拋棄我的老爸 Now I don't have time for dad who had no time for me 人生苦短,總得向前看不是 Im a man I keep it moving life is short you see 我不會像我父親那樣對我的孩子 To my kids I am who my father could never be 我把下面這句話比作我的“短見” I call it how I see, yea its like that 這場人生遊戲裡,我們沒法挽回失去的日子 Too late in the game man we cant get those years back 我還記得你送給我的老唱片 I still remember the record, you gave to me 沒錯,我喜歡的歌,deacon blue Yea my favourite song , deacon blue 無法把握生活呈現的點滴 You cant control what life presents you 繼續前進吧,總有天你能熬過來 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 有的時候,我們是會很盲目 And at times, yea we've all played the fool 拍拍身上的灰塵,扮演好你自己 Dust yourself off and just do you 勇往前行吧,哥們,你肯定能行 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 夢想定高些,保持真本色 Set your goals high be sure to stay true 無法把握生活呈現的點滴 You cant control what life presents you 繼續前進吧,總有天你能熬過來 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 有的時候,我們是會很盲目 And at times, yea we've all played the fool 拍拍身上的灰塵,扮演好你自己 Dust yourself off and just do you 勇往前行吧,哥們,你肯定能行 Keep it moving man one day you'll make it through 夢想定高些,保持真本色 Set your goals high be sure to stay true