- Missy Elliott Work It 歌詞
- Missy Elliott
- DJ please, pick up your phone
請接通電話 I'm on the request line 我正在撥打你的號碼
這是我名聲大噪的時刻 This is a Missy Elliott one time exclusive 來吧這樣做是否值得 C'mon Is it worth it, let me work it 我拋開當下轉換姿勢 I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡享魚水之歡 It' s your fremme neppa venette 如果你身強力壯那就讓我看看 If you got a big, let me search ya 你無窮的威力 To find out how hard I gotta work ya 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡享魚水之歡 It' s your fremme neppa venette 我願與你敞開心扉我願與你坦誠相待 I'd like to get to know ya, so I can show ya 就像我說的那樣與你縱情纏綿 Put the ***** on ya, like I told ya 給我你的電話號碼那樣我就能夠給你打電話 Gimme all your numbers so I can phone ya 你的馬子對此視而不見你可以給我打電話哦 Your girl acting stank then call me ovah 我想在沙發上與你翻雲覆雨 Not on the bed, lay me on your sofa 在你來之前先打個電話我要梳妝打扮 Call before you come, I need to shave my chocha 你是否會來到我的身邊是否會和我縱情纏綿 You do or you don't or you will or you won't cha 來到我家勇猛似鷹 Go downtown and eat it like a vulcha 淪陷於我的曼妙身姿 See my hips and my tips so cha 沉淪於我的迷人魅力 See my ass and my lips don't cha 為了你我保持著完美的身材 Lost a few pounds in my waist for ya 跟著節拍 This the kinda beat that go wa ta ta 與我縱情纏綿 Ra ta ta ta, ta ta ta ta ta 那種感覺妙不可言 *** me so good I say, 'Blah blah blah' 翻雲覆雨我感到口乾舌燥 Work it! I need a glass of watah 男孩呀男孩很開心了解你的一切 Boy oh boy it's good to know ya 這樣做是否值得讓我縱情纏綿 Is it worth it, let me work it 我拋開當下轉換姿勢 I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡魚水之歡享 It' s your fremme neppa venette 如果你身強力壯那就讓我看看 If you got a big, let me search ya 你無限的威力 To find out how hard I gotta work ya 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡魚水之歡享 It' s your fremme neppa venette 如果你想要活得優雅那就得注重細節 If you're a fly gal, get your nails done 做做指甲理理頭髮 Get a pedicure, get your hair did 男孩讓我們把酒言歡 Boy lift it up, let's make a toast ah 讓我們酩酊大醉變得更加親密 Let's get drunk, it's gon bring us closah 我看起來像不像Halle Berry一樣性感呢 Don't I look like a Halle Berry postah? 看我如何對你施展我這該死的魅力 See the Belvedere playin' tricks on ya 女孩們都想像我一樣想都別想 Girlfriend wanna be like me nevah 你再也找不到像我這麼好的了 You won't find a ***** that's even bettah 我會讓你熱血沸騰的像身處拉斯維加斯一樣 I make it hot as Las Vegas weathah 當我的音樂倒回重放請仔細聆聽 Listen up close while I take you backwards 我不是一個隨便的人唯獨可以滿足你的需求 I'm not a ******** ** but I can give you what ya want 我喜歡你的打扮和你奢靡的生活 I love your braids and your mouth full of fonts 我喜歡放飛自我的感覺 Love the way my ass go ba bump ba bump bump 將你的目光移至我的身上 Keep your eyes on my ba bump ba bump bump 想像著你可以與我縱情纏綿 Ya think you can handle this ga dunk ga dunk dunk 褪去我的衣服讓我與你翻雲覆雨 Take my thong off and my ass go boom 不要熄滅燈光以便你能看到我撩人的模樣 Cut the lights off so you see what I can do 這樣做是否值得讓我縱情纏綿 Is it worth it, let me work it 我拋開當下轉換姿勢 I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡魚水之歡享 It' s your fremme neppa venette 如果你身強力壯那就讓我看看 If yougot a big, let me search ya 你無窮的威力 To find out how hard I gotta work ya 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡魚水之歡享 It' s your fremme neppa venette (Come on) 男孩男孩各種各樣的男孩 Boys, boys, all type of boys 不論任何種族 Black , White, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys 任何膚色 Wan tan taya taya tang a tang, 任何國家 wan tan taya taya tang a tang 女孩女孩徹夜搖擺 Girls , girls, get the cash 賺的盆滿缽滿 If it's nine to five or shakin' ya ass 不要感覺害羞女孩們只是在展示自己曼妙的身姿 Ain't no shame ladies, do your thang 確保你是遊戲的主宰 Just make sure you ahead of the game 因為我已名揚四海 Just 'cause I got a lot of fame supah 無人可以改變我的一切 Prince couldn't get me change my name papa 即使成為像Kunta Kinte一樣的奴隸也要敢於反抗 Kunta Kinte, enslave a game, no sir 想像奴隸時代的心甘情願不是我的風格特點 Picture Black say'n, 'Oh yessa massa' 想像Lil' Kim的一生從不會屈服 Picture Lil' Kim dating a pastor 我會像Minnine Me一樣名聲大噪你會像Big Ren一樣一敗塗地 Minute Man, Big Red can outlast ya 誰是說唱界的扛把子?我才不需要問你 Who is the best? I don't have to ask ya 當我震撼登場你於我無關緊要 When I come out, you won't even mattah 為何你表現的像一個傻子一樣 Why you act dumb like ughhh, duh 愚蠢至極 So you act dumb like ughhh, duh 當聖誕的歌聲響起 And the drummer boy go pa rum pa pum pum 我會讓你嚐到些甜頭 Give ya some some some of this Cinnabon 這樣做是否值得讓我縱情纏綿 Is it worth it, let me work it 我拋開當下轉換姿勢 I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡魚水之歡享 It' s your fremme neppa venette 如果你身強力壯那就讓我看看 If you got a big, let me search ya 你無限的威力 To find out how hard I gotta work ya 春宵一刻值千金 It' s your fremme neppa venette 不顧一切盡魚水之歡享 It' s your fremme neppa venette 告訴我的男孩 To my fellas 我喜歡與你縱情纏綿 Good God, I like the way you work that 告訴我的姐妹 To my ladies 你一定知道怎樣才能激情澎湃感謝上帝 You sure know how to work that, good God