- Elohim Sleepy Eyes 歌詞
- Elohim
- Look at me with your sleepy eyes
你望著我帶著惺忪睡眼 Ollie ollie oxen free, we dont have to hide 這你躲我藏的遊戲我們不需要再彼此躲藏(Ollie ollie oxen free是類似捉迷藏的遊戲) I just wanna touch your face 我只是想要輕觸你的臉頰 Take me straight to outer space 帶我徑直去往外太空 來躺在我的身側將我視若珍寶吧 Come lay me with me in our treasure trove 如你我般的青澀少年不知道至今將降臨什麼 Kids dont know what its like to fall so far 破譯這編碼吧沒有別的選擇了 Cracking ya code, nothing was chose 你也曾是個陌生人 You were a stranger 卻改變固有的模式打破陳舊的俗套 Shifting the mode, breaking the mold 大雨曾在何處降臨? Where did the rain go? 請在吻我的時候睜開雙眼
這樣你就可以看見我融化在愛情裡的樣子 Kiss me with your eyes open 請在吻我的時候打開雙眸 So you can see me when Im melting 當你緊緊擁我入懷時它們情不自禁地睜大 Kiss me with your eyes open 請在吻我的時候睜開雙眼 They dilate when you hold me close 有時在旅途中我會回想過往 Kiss me with your eyes open 我曾最終跌入骯髒泥濘的歧途
但你讓我振作恢復帶我走上正軌 Sometimes I trip and think about the past 我曾陷入狂亂瘋癲的狀態 I end up falling down a dirty path 你理解傾聽我讓我得以重生 But you bring me back, put me on track 如今我一切安好宛如天堂 I'm being crazy 我們應該就像這樣永遠攜手共度 You took me in, brought me to life 還有比這更美好的嗎? Now I'm in paradise 請在吻我的時候打開雙眸
這樣你就可以看見我沉醉在愛情裡的樣子 We should stay like this forever 請在吻我的時候睜開雙眼 How could anything be better? 當你緊緊擁我入懷時它們情不自禁地睜大
在吻我時睜開雙眼吧 Kiss me with your eyes open 何不睜開雙眸吻吻我 So you can see me when Im melting 我們應該就像這樣永遠互相依靠 Kiss me with your eyes open 請在吻我的時候睜開雙眼 They dilate when you hold me close 我們應該就像這樣永遠攜手共度 Kiss me with your eyes open Kiss me with your eyes open
We should stay like this forever Kiss me with your eyes open We should stay like this forever