- Late June I Tried... 歌詞
- Late June
- - I don't know, I don't--you don't understand...you don't.
我不知道,我不---你沒搞清楚,你沒--- You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with! 你不是像Andy和我這種關係的朋友! You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you! 你知道嗎?你不能理解他們能對你施加的壓力! - I don't understand what? You think I don't understand pressure, Claire? 我不懂什麼?你以為我不懂壓力? Claire? Well **** you! **** you! 知道今天我為什麼在這裡嗎?你知道嗎? Know why I'm here today? Do you?! 我在這裡是因為Mr.Ryan在你的櫃子裡看到了一把槍 I'm here because Mr. Ryan found a gun in the locker. 為什麼你櫃子裡有一把槍? - Why'd you have a gun in your locker? 我試過了,把槍上了膛,我準備zi殺。 - I tried. You pull the fackin' trunk on it and the light's sposed to go on... 但那沒有發生,我意思是,我...... And it didn 't go on, I mean, I... Brian,用這槍做什麼? - What's the gun for Brian? 忘了那些吧 - Just forget it. 你買了它,伙計! - You brought it up, man! 我不能得F,我不能是F,我父母也不想看到。 - I can't have an F, I can't have it and I know my parents can't have it. 幾遍在剩下的學期我都是A,我也始終是B Even if I aced the rest of the semester, I'm still only a B. 我被遺棄了 And everything's ruined for me. 噢,凱杓 - Oh, Brian ... 所以我做了選擇,你知道嗎? - So I considered my options, you know? 殺死你自己不是一個選擇! - No! Killing yourself is not an option! 好吧,我沒有那樣做,我做了嗎?是的,我不那樣認為 - Well I didn't do it, did I? No, I don't think so!