- Anthem Lights Dear Hollywood 歌詞
- Anthem Lights
今晚佇立的十字架 There's a cross that's lit up 照亮了你的漆黯山坡 On your hill tonight 絕望地嘶吼哭喊僅為引起你的注意 Crying desperately for your attention 然而卻被耀眼浮華的聚光燈火淹沒 But caught up in the glitz and flashing lights 為何你是如此的盲目視而不見 You're blind to everything 在需要你之時頻頻缺席任其逝去 That you've been missing 你所做的一切都讓人心碎 And it breaks my heart 為何你就不肯從孤芳自賞之中脫身 That you can't look away 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 但願你可以 I wish you would 看透這一切的真相 See the truth 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 你本可以做到 There's so much good 多少的善舉 That you could do 萬眾矚目你身處世界之舞台 With so many eyes watching you 好萊塢, Hollywood 儘管心碎絕望你卻還在掩飾 Brokenhearted by pretending 假裝這一切都好 You're all right 你演繹了每一個夢想 You lived out every dream 但一路上又失去了什麼 But something's missing 未來的圖景更為遠大 There's a bigger picture 今夜的召喚在此恭候 Calling you tonight 你將會意識到你的價值 You could know your worth 你只需要願意聆聽潛心傾聽 If you would only listen 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 多期望你能 I wish you would 查明真相不被蒙蔽 See the truth 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 你本可以伸出 There's so much good 多少的援手 That you could do 萬眾矚目你吸引世界之目光 With so many eyes watching you 你能給予貢獻的遠遠多於此 There's so much more to give 你能收穫得到的也遠多於此 So much more to gain 舉世聞名全世界都正在聆聽 When all the world is listening 你能訴說吶喊的遠遠多於此 There's so much more to say 你能給予貢獻的遠遠多於此 There's so much more to give 你能收穫得到的也遠多於此 So much more to gain 舉世傾聽你在此發出的聲音 When all the world is listening 你能訴說吶喊的遠遠多於此 There's so much more to say 你所做的一切都讓人心碎 And it breaks my heart 為何你依舊視而不見 That you still look away 視而不見這樣完美的愛 From a perfect love 這樣顯眼的這樣矚目的愛 That is right there on display 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 我請求你會 I wish you would 看看這真相吧 See the truth 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 你本可以提供 There's so much good 多少的善意 That you could do 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 我本希翼你會 I wish you would 明察一切真相 See the truth 親愛的好萊塢 Dear Hollywood 世上仍有多少善舉 There's so much good 等待你去做 That you could do 仍有多少人向你投來關注的目光 With so many eyes watching you 你仍站在萬眾矚目的世界之中心 With so many eyes watching you 好萊塢做些什麼吧 Hollywood 好萊塢 Hollywood 好萊塢。 Hollywood